SU 22 m3 buff Suggestion

Gajin please buff the flares on the SU 22 m3 how it is in the Game right now is wrong it has an additional 128 flares more than in warthunder .It is missing potential

Get 1st or 2nd hand sources and make a bug report. You aren’t going to accomplish anything making a request in General discussion besides wasting a mods time to close a thread.

If you don’t have sources change the topic to looking for documentation to buff the SU-22.

Bug report site:

I would help but looking and translating documents on Russian aircraft is time consuming and I don’t want to spend that time on something I’m unsure about.


What we can do if report was passed when Su-22M3 comes?

We already waited for YEARS.

@Gunjob could you give us some insite on the outcome of this ticket?
The 22m3 doesn’t have a pod.

Report is still open internally, has yet to be resolved.

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