SU-100 (1968) - Making Do

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TL;DR: An SU-100 with a revised exhaust system.



As soon as the T-34 hit the production lines, ways to shove bigger guns into it were immediately looked into. These efforts would eventually lead to the development and fielding of the SU-85 series, however, the later appearance and acceptance of the T-34-85 rendered the aforementioned series entirely obsolete. As such, work on cramming an even bigger into the casemate began, eventually leading to the SU-100, equipped with the nearly unmatched D-10S 100mm cannon. This tank destroyer would see an almost 5000 production vehicle run and extensive service in the last year of WW2. With the close of WW2, the Chinese PLA began going about organizing their ranks and aforementioned war had made one thing very clear. Tanks were very important. Unfortunately, all the PLA had were swathes of captured Japanese armor, with a few American vehicles on the side. Not only were these tanks outdated, maintaining them would be very difficult for obvious reasons. Still desperate for tanks, the PLA would turn to their fellow communist neighbor for assistance. Over the span of five years, the Soviet Union would supply China with over 3000 vehicles, 99 of those being SU-100s. Time moved on and relations between China and the USSR began to sour, eventually leading to the Sino-Soviet Split. This split meant that the USSR would cease all military vehicle production and repair aid. This was bad news for the PLA’s T-34-based vehicles as their air filters and exhaust systems were in dire need of replacement as carbon monoxide would commonly back up into the crew compartment and poison the crew. With no more assistance from the USSR, tanks in the worst conditions would need to be repaired domestically. Without the proper facilities to perform proper repairs, the solutions would need to be crude. Military officials in the Nanjing Military Region knew this and came up with one such solution. The entirety of the old exhaust system would be removed and welded over and two new slits would be opened at the top of rear plate through which exhaust would be vented. This modification would be successfully tested in 1967 and would be performed sparingly on only the most worse-off T-34-based vehicles in 1968. These would include at least one T-34-85 Gai, at least one T-34 ARV, and at least two SU-100s.

Place In Game:

The SU-100 is an incredibly potent and relatively reliable tank destroyer in War Thunder. Its decent mobility allows you to get where you want to go in a timely manner and its fantastic gun ensures that just about what ever you hit will die. China’s 6.0 line-up, like most of its other line-ups, is rather sparse, only having two tanks (three if you buy the IS-2 No.402). While it can be argued that 6.0 isn’t an important BR and the SU-100 can easily be brought up to 6.3 or even 6.7, having a back-up SU-100 would only help. Ideal implementation would be in the tree, however, it could be added as a squadron vehicle and still serve its supplementary purpose.


Armament: 100 mm D-10S cannon

Dimensions: 6.10m, 3.00m, 2.25m (L,W,H)

Weight: 31600kg

Armor: Same as SU-100 in-game

Crew: 4

Ammunition: Same as SU-100 in-game

Speed: 50kph

Horsepower: 500hp


3/4th View:


Exhaust modification on a T-34-85 Gai:



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