- Yes
- No
I would like to suggest a later version of the StuH 42 G allready in game. The in Game StuH 42 G is of an earlyer basic type. With some weakpoints and general missing features that some unexperienced people will miss when they look at it and pretty much only know from pictures or perhaps books and videos.
But not only that, some new features, that wont really (with some exceptions of course) change the ballancing and would add a vehicle that is a bit better and can be foldered with the in game StuH 42 G.
These new features are, not limited to:
Solid frontal 80mm armor instead of the 50+30mm Bolted or weldet with gaps inbetween. (For hull and superstructure.
Welded steel plates or steel sheet with concrete (x0.35 armor modifier) filling as a shell deflector in front of the Cupolar.
Cast steel rounded and angled Saukopfblende instead of the 50mm or 50+30mm Gun shield.
Removal of the muzzle brake (The muzzle break was not needed for the max (6th) charge, except the Fern Ladung for the F.H.Gr. Fern, but instead enabeling the use of the (Optional as its a bit stronger than the Heat) 10,5 / 7,5 cm Pzgr. Ts (7,5 cm Apcbc 7,7 to 6,4 kg (flight weight) 17g Pent 765 m/s 138mm/10m)
Like the Pz IV Ausf. H in game T-34 Tracts as add on armor (its wider) as well as normal tracts
Concrete on the front as well as over the tracts (the pins can be seen through the concrete) around 2-20 cm
Coaxial Mg 42 (by the drawing)
Rundumfeuer Mg 34
One Part ammo for increased loading. (However such is subject to ballancing and may only change the ammo module)
Optional additional:
10,5 / 8,8 cm Pzgr Ts Apcbc 10,73 kg > 10,5 kg 0,059 kg filler 620 m/s 123mm/10m
10,5 / 8,8 cm Pzgr Ts mbs (Mündungsbrensensicher) (with Muzzle break then) Apcbc 10,73 kg > 10,5 kg 0,059 kg filler 660m/s 134mm/10m
The 2nd and 3rd Pic are from the same vehicle with 1 piece armore, concrete and T 34 as well as normal track armor, however with muzzle brake which is optional in the first place. Also at the side Sponsen is concrete and Tracks protecting the sides themselfs
Concrete is allready found in game and has an modifier of 0.35x (so 20mm thick slap offers protection of 7mm, not much but will offer more against smaller guns (around 37mm) as well as give more protection against chemical rounds).
Pictures:(Click to show)
Here on the angled front over the Driver through the concrete
Here the tracks at the front can be seen through the concrete

These are examples on the StuG III, but also are for the StuH 42.
Cupoal Protection and Concrete with track pieces inside for reinforcement.
Space for Schützen with normal and extended tracks.
Coax MG 42
Stats of the StuH:
Armour | Front (Slope angle) | Sides | Rear (Slope angle) | Roof |
Hull | 30 mm (86°), 80 mm (50°) Front glacis | |||
80 mm (19°) Lower glacis | 30 + 5 mm | 30 mm (77°) Tlop | ||
50 mm (15-42°) Middle | ||||
50 mm Bottom | 16 mm | |||
Superstructure | 80 mm (10-11°), 30 mm (50-69°) | 30 (9°) + 5 mm Left | ||
30 (11°) + 5 mm Right | 30 mm | 11 mm | ||
Cupola | 30-50+ mm | 50 mm | 30-50+ mm | 17 mm |
The Gun:
10,5 cm StuH 42 L/28
Ammo:(Click to show)
Pzgr. (Aphe) 14 kg 238g (304,64g aquivalent) filler 480 m/s 72mm/10m
Pzgr. Rot (Apcbc) 15,56 kg 250g (357,5g) 461 m/s 82mm/10m
Gr.39 Rot Hl/B (Heat) 12,35 kg 2,53 kg filler aquivalent 495 m/s 105mm/all
(More Pictures in Hl/C)
Gr.39 Rot Hl/C (Heat) 12,35 kg 2,53 kg filler aquivalent 495 m/s 115mm/all
10,5 / 7,5 cm Pzgr.39 TS (Apcbc-DS) 6,4 kg 17g H.10 765 m/s 138mm/10m
F.H.Gr. (He (TF)) 14,81 kg 1,75 kg filler Fp.02 und Np.10 (2,24 kg TnTa) 470 m/s
F.H.Gr. F (He (TF)) 14,81 kg 2,21-2,335 kg filler Fp.02 und Np.10 (2,83-2,99 kg TnTa) 540 m/s
10,5 / 8,8 cm Sprgr.42 Ts (He-DS) 9,3 kg 850-935g Fp.02 and Np.10 (1,088-1,197 kg) 620 m/s
(Didnt find the drawings, as such here is the real thing)
F.H.Gr. Nb. (Smoke) 14 kg 50g smokestuff dont expect much 480 m/s
Kt. (Canitster Shot) 15 kg 465 m/s
H.Schr.16 (Shrapnell-TF) 15,6 kg 0,2 kg Blackpowder 461m/s
450 Steelballs of 13,8mm
Some incendary effect by the pitch around the balls.
Sturmgeschütze: Armoured Assault Guns
Hitlers Panzer: The Complete History 1933-1945
German Assault Guns and Tank Destroyers 1940-1945
RH 8/v. 854
Munition der 10,5 cm LeFH 18
2C7 Perforation of Armor by German Projectiles