Stuff about VR and its problems

This is the first topic I’ve ever made; I am not making it a suggestion because that’s not what this is, I am also not making this a bug report because as far as I can tell only one thing in this list of things I mention could be a ‘bug’.

First, VR needs to be fixed to be easier to access. as it is I have to jump through a bunch of hoops to play this game in VR, specifically I have to do this list of steps for vive pro and valve index.
step 1, start War thunder launcher. if I had steam WT, I think this wouldn’t be a problem, but I digress
Step 2, start steam VR
step 3 play game with VR mode enabled.
this doesn’t work 100% of the time I have also had to ensure “Streamer VR mode” is off which gets rid of these useless black bars on the screen that were added for some reason? just remove those.
I spent hours on stream troubleshooting this only to not be able to play in VR as I couldn’t just jump in due to these issues.

Second, The VR UI is trash. actual garbage. it needs to be reset to look much more like the desktop UI as in it needs to just not be bent. seriously this is a terrible Ui design and in game when you’re trying to fight it’s hard to see all the Ui elements. please fix this just make it the desktop UI thanks.

The third part is the Ground Forces (GF) VR experience.
Now I’m gonna link my own video on this because I also talk about it, and I am understandably angry at this stuff that happens but for those who don’t want to listen to anger (I understand its ok)

The GF VR model is tied to the tank hull, this means that when you rotate the tank your view rotates but when you rotate the turret the view doesn’t rotate. this is bad. what makes it worse is that when you turn to look somewhere then activate gunner or commander or driver sights your blinded as you turn back to look through the view no matter where you’re facing the gun/sight. example: turn turret to left for guy coming around corner then hit zoom, now you need to look straight ahead again to see things. not good. there’s also a ‘return to center’ mechanic for your mouse and this is stupid. turn it off or make it a toggle in the menu to turn this off.

Link to the video, there is a lot of mean words but I’m not saying sorry for speaking my mind.

I am trying to be civil in text and I basically said everything I say in the video but in text form, so you don’t need to watch the video.
well except for this. I will do everything in my power to keep bringing this up until its fixed. not cause of hate. I want to love WT and I will fight to love it. but somethings need to be fixed.

This is put in discussion for discussion please follow rules and stuff thanks.


I agree with you.
Just as the gaze follows when moving a mouse in normal mode, the center point of the VR gaze should follow the mouse.
I’m also tired of having to look too far down the diagonal to see the damage or the number of ammunition in store.

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Meta Quest 3 user here, with some personal experience.

  1. Getting into VR in WT is very easy at least for the Meta Quest. Obviously you need to connect the goggles to the computer (in the case of the is done via the Oculus app and Air Link). Two clicks with the hand controller, basically. If VR is enables in WT (which is what you need to do once, and you don’t need to deactivate it if you don’t use the VR), it simply starts in VR.
    What you can’t do with the Quest is start the VR or connect the VR goggles if the WT client is already running. First connect, then start the client.

As to the “black ribbons”, you can deactivate them in the graphics options. Toggling this option will remove the black borders (good for screenshots), but as more area needs to be rendered (basically what is black is the region of a screenshot that is not visible on the goggles field of view, so one can save GPU resources and thus performance if the ribbons are ON.

  1. I dunno, but for the Quest the UI looks just like the flat desktop version.

  2. Yes, that’s a bummer, and has been reported and suggested to be changed a few times already, I think. What’s also very bad is that some stuf doesn’t work at all in VR in tanks, for example radar-locked targets for SPAAG’s are correctly placed over the targets in external view, but fixed to line of sight and not the target in gunner sight, so absolutely useless.

Also, there’s some additional issues, like offsets in HMD between left/right side, nd of course the ugly, annoying action bar icons in aircraft that are just unnecessary and should be possible to completely deactivate in options.


For VR Players there is a standalone on its way

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Sod off, we want it fixed in this not to be sold a blatant cash grab.

That aside, VR isn’t even provided to the Linux client of war thunder, in spite of how easily they could do so. We’ve plenty of means to get it running if they just allowed us to try instead of going out of their way to make it impossible.


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This has been stated as not being the same as war thunder. it won’t have every vehicle in WT and it won’t have tanks or ships either. or helicopters. I want the base WT fixed because I want to keep playing the base WT in VR

A half competent mod would have checked before sending someone to the issue tracker. The last time we asked, it only got acknowledged with no response after asking if it means they’re looking into it. Prior to that, it was deemed not a bug. So feel free to ask them and report back, or actually check your links before you decide to be snarky.


i went ahead and posted this in the bug tracker thing, though i only included the first second third and video with no extra commentary rather then just copy and pasting the whole thing. feel free to do the things there! VR has a lot of things that need to be fixed. // // Issues

I use a Meta Quest 2, use the Gaijin game launcher and go nowhere near SteamVR, it’s not even installed on my PC. I turn on the headset, click on Quick Settings on the bottom left, click on Quest link because I have a 3M high data lead. You can then click the option to see your desktop screen to launch WT, or add it to the headset library to launch from there. I use both depending on what I had been doing previously.

I’ve heard of too many people having problems with SteamVR so I steer clear of it, and I have no problems. As mentioned above by Schindibee, I also cannot join mid game but have to launch into VR.

both my headsets are steam vr headsets the vive pro and the valve index. so i have to use steam vr

That’s a shame. Do what I did. Save £50 a month from your wages, and in 4 months you can get a Meta Quest 2. In the UK on Amazon, they are under £200. I got mine 2 weeks ago.

While looking forward to this game instead of making a separate VR game why not make improvements to the already existing VR mode?

There’s so many suggestions and bug reports made that if implemented/fixed would massively improve VR mode but they seem to rarely get acknowledged or fixed. If the same team working on Aces of Thunder would work on VR mode for War Thunder it would be a much better experience for players and overall a bigger success in the VR market. But instead we are getting the same VR mode but with interactable cockpits and VR hands but only 20 planes to fly.

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I do not support meta or any form of social media first of all, second of all why woul di get a new vr headset when the 2 very expensive very high quality headsets i have are still working? thats such a waste of money. 3rd this is a bad take and you should feel bad. everyone who has a vr headset should be able to play any vr game. if a game is not working cause the devs failed to make it work then the player shouldnt be punished for owning a different hardware.

WTF… ??? No need for that. It’s not my fault or problem you have a “beef” with Meta! That’s YOUR problem.

I just did things the logical way and went for the best all rounder, and because I’d even heard of others with Quest 2 having problems with only really SteamVR, I decided It was best to totally steer clear, unless I’m forced to use it by a game.

Anyway, what’s wrong with selling 2 expensive ones on ebay to get at least some money back? And what was the point of buying 2 in the 1st place when the correct 1 would be enough if you bought the right one to start with?

What a self serving fool. So every VR software company has to revolve around YOUR rules with all the same code, just to make it easier for you, instead of shopping around and not letting your own personal hang-ups stop you making sensible monetary purchases and then winging about it when it doesn’t go your way.

Fun thing: If you claim to support a protocol, then the end user is entitled to expect parity across the board, especially when there are no disclaimers by the software developer that the protocol is only implemented half effectively for one piece of hardware.

That aside, why should the end user be forced into a particular manufacturer’s take that is known for A) privacy violations, B) data loss, C) other practices that are less than savoury if you want a free world? There is no whining on this front, it is entirely sound position to take. The developers make no claims that the hardware should struggle with their implementation of the protocols available, and quite frankly it is only through neglect/incompetence that it does.

Folk have a right to purchase hardware from their desired ecosystem and expect features that claim to support the breadth of hardware to work. Pushing people to purchase products from one ecosystem and support an organisation they have concerns over when it really shouldn’t matter is pretty shit of you. This issue is the developer’s, not the end user, and it needs to be fixed.

In short: Developer ineptitude should not be used to force people into a distasteful and expensive purchase.

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ok first off. this is a very hostile post.

second, self-serving? I purchased products that where at the time some of the best on the market headsets you could get and there are only 2 games on the entire market that has a problem with them, War thunder, likely through neglect since they have a vr thing coming out, and MSFS or Microsoft light sim, because they implemented it wrong or something idk, I don’t play it. I don’t know how this makes me self-serving unless you are just trying to insult me.

third, selling these products in a VERY used state wont net me any money because no one would buy them in this state. it’s called buying something and using it. the reason I bought a second one is because the first one was failing me because I USED it.

4th, my hang ups on meta don’t include hang ups with windows so that point you make is moot. i chose two of the most widely used and distributed VR headsets at the time, because the quest 2 hadn’t launched or had just launched in the case of the index. at the time both meta (at the time known as facebook) and windows, had pretty mid headsets on the market.

Now please, I want discussion, not an argument.

Very hostile indeed, Not sure how many of the VR users play jets with TV guided munitions in Sim, basically anything with a camera pod will do this for me, the last major update has revived a really frustrating bug, Where the camera will stutter left and right in large steps rather than slew smoothly like it does outside of VR. This one: Community Bug Reporting System

I dont know anyone else at high tier with VR HMD’s, so I come before you all to ask if this is also a problem for others, can anyone confirm that camera pods actually work smoothly while flying. The faster you go and the farther out you look the worse it gets.

No, stutter of TV sights or targeting pods is what I suffer from too. (MQ2 and MQ3).