Strv 121B Christian II

Yeah I was actually referring to the PZBTL 🤣

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im expecting something better than a stock 2a4 for £70, can u read?🤣

Yeah but its not a stock 2a4

There was nothing hinting that it would be “better” in the post, except different smoke launcher and a aesthetic camouflage netting. I think it is you who can not read properly and are setting up expectation based on your own imagination.

Everyone knew it’s going to be a Strv 121, aka Leopard 2A4.


it hasen’t?

Tbf it was “upgraded” but not the way OP thinks it was. Had he watched any vids on it hed know or had he read the devblog.


this is all i could find about mentioning “upgrades”.

And you’re correct, those were the upgrades. In game they dont change it much besodes from the smokes and thats it. Irl it used m/95 apfsds which if it got that it would be at 11.0 and it would just be worse off. The upgrades it got that are represented in game is better coverage of smoke, meaining thw way they fire more off to the sides to cover more area in smoke.

its completely different from the prem leo 2a4, none of the stats are the same, it has weaker literally everything

not to mention the prem leo 2a4 is cheaper than the strv 121b

i dont wanna be “that guy”, but i think you’re just annoying

i doubt it would be worse off with a competent round

How was it upgraded? Enlighten me

i know what is the issue, your crew just sucks…

The stats are exactly the same the problem is the level of your crew, a higher level crew will upgrade most stats

This and 681 games total?

Oh boi, I wish I had such confidence when talking to women as these people do when they go talk in forums.


sounds realy like u just didnt inform yourself about teh vehicle, nowhere does it promise in being better then a standard leo 2a4, hell it is the exact same as the pzbtl, it just is a massive L for you, for expecting stuff that wasnt promised anywhere


Why is my 2A4 with different smoke launchers not better then the German 2A4 with a net

That’s you


it costs the exact same as the pzbtl, the 5 dollar difference is because of more GE and premium time, why should it be better when they essentialy cost the exact same. realy just u not informing yourself


turns out gajin literaly said it was an attempt. an attempt means it wasnt succesful lol

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Poor wording but semi accurate, the main problem was it was more expensive to upgrade the electronics and buy the armor to put on it then it was to just build the 2a5 from the ground up. Having to retrofit new peices and upgrade internals just proved to be less efficient. Overall it was cheaper to just make the 2a4 than upgrading all of the 121 models.

is this guy possibly saying that the strv121B is as good as Stock leo 2a4 without any modification researched? i didn’t dowload the update yet so idk.

Ive stated it and you refuse to read. In game in has GALIX smoke launchers which while you get less smokes they have better coverage when deployed giving you more room to turn while reversing as they cover a larger area. Now in real life GALIX provided cover to the smokes which would protect them from small arms fire to a degree (not modeled in warthunder bullets go through galix and hit smoke regardless.) Irl it also received a rear view camera which helped with moving the tank in reverse along side some additional upgrqdes to the electronics which featured a better fire prevention system, radio, commander thermals, and a slightly faster turret traverse as the original turret drive was a bit old. Also m/95. In game it has the GALIX smoke and i believe the thermals for the commander but do let me know if thats not on the vehicle. In warthunder its essentially the panzer battalion but swedish. If it received the better apfsds youd be fighting vehicles with spall liners and even more pen and better armor than what you’re fighting currently, on top of this you wouldnt have a single vehicle besides the t80 U which in all regards is just a worse choice. It was a much better decision to have the vehicle stay at 10.3 where it has a full lineup of solid vehicles, but i know that youll continue to ignore all of this and continue to scream “It’S nOt UpGrAdEd!”

(Just to add this, the original turret drive was slower due to age and the installation of the new one only brought it up to the current 2a4 standards.)

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