
Don’t forget that the Raider Hunter event starts today, so get out there and play some naval matches if you want this ship. It should be one of the best the French get for a while. I, of course, used the Scharnhorst for the first stage, and 8 matches netted me 47,259 points for the event.

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Yep - I’ll do it while still grinding a few ships/boats in various trees so won’t be quite that quick :)

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they should extend it to 3 days tbh naval taking way too long

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Not surprised the near invincible ship did that.

Im sticking to 5.7 max so can avoid that.


What kind of issues are you having? I find naval to be easiest to grind.

some game i just get 0 kills and only damage
so i dont got alot mission point

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If you have any questions that can be answered that might help in any way, just ask.

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how good is the murmansk on grinding this cuz thats what currently have the highest rank rn

It’s a pretty solid ship. It’s a copy of The U.S.S. Raleigh in the American tech tree.

Some other sweet spots at lower BRs are the U.S. 4.7 destroyers, or the French 4.7 destoyers/cruiser.

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Wait like 20-30 seconds to spawn after everybody else.

Depending on the map, it might not be a bad idea to just sail around the very back of the map (I like to go between spawns, back and forth) to keep yourself hidden. General rule is whoever is closest gets fired upon first.

Especially true for cruisers since they pretty much always spawn in open water without the option of cover.

Don’t trust the aiming reticle (if you’re playing arcade). Aim above it if your target is sailing away and below if they’re sailing towards you.


i can do without all the losers p[laying skr’s
since the fix they fixed they forgot to fix again … how unusual

so another event i am not bothering with

I have the Dunkerque nearly completed. I am not sure I even need the Strassbourg for anything.
Dunkerque will give a a nice 30% bonus towards something, Strassbourg won’t.

Spawn the Mitscher and the Wilkinson at that BR. You will eat SKRs alive and they can’t do anything about it.

First stage flied by like a breeze, working on spadin Renown, grinding France with Dupleix and some other BB games with Leonardo, Fuso and Missisipi!

I’ll probably talisman the Strassbourg. There aren’t any decent premiums in the French tree, and SL is never a problem in naval.

And I could talisman the Dunkerque. Which would also double the 30% bonus. So that is not an argument for anything really. As I do have a talisman on Loraine, even that is not very appealing at the moment.

I wasn’t claiming it was. I was just adding a comment.

I also found Britain 4.7 to be highly capable.


the problem is they very often spawn in the 3.3 - 3.7 br range
mostly by poor players of 100 lvl who have problems not being the op vessel

In BR5.7, Prinz Eugen is another kind of scharn.

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