"Storm Warning" Update Trailer!

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So you only want the plane if it’s incredibly op? New best plane in the game isn’t good enough?


Do you not know what the Typhoon is?




“barely an improvement”
Anon, I…


it just needs meteor and it would be perfect

Mans is clearly hallucinating and I’m getting flagged… cmon now

This just in, flight performance has no impact on top tier gameplay.

Why do you think I and many other have been bitching about fixing the Sukhoi all this time lmao ? Why do you think the F15E is currently even more powerful than the F15C ?

Supercruising is not “just a bit faster” btw.

“Anon” which forums do you think we’re on

welp, some wikipedia says that 2 radars are installed in the aircraft, one in the nose (as usual) and another in the tail beam (which have been shortenned on Su-33 in comparison to other Su-27/30/35)

and this seems true to this scheme:

as we can see a little radar in the Tail Beam

I can’t tell, I think his reply shut my brain off for a bit


Russian aircraft are nerfed beyond realism, in reality they should all beat US aircraft in a 1v1, but don’t in game because US mains cry so much.

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If copy-paste is removed and mixed battles cannot happen.

Even in air sim we got markers.


“Is that bf109 a U.S premium or an actual german bf109?”

No way to tell most of the time other than a blue marker.

“Is that an american zero or actual japanese zero?”

“Is that an actual american b-25j or chinese?”

“Is that an american p-38 or chinese p-38?”

“Is that a swedish junkers or german junkers?”

Pure visual IFF doesn’t work with all these same-plane fights same-plane situations. The blue marker that tells you it’s a friend has been the only thing preventing me from constant teamkills in markerless air sim. Especially with how rendering turns stuff into black silhouettes outside of very close ranges so camo is not enough.

I doubt it’d go any better in ARB given mouse aim makes you engage from ~1.2km rather than 0.5 km.

F3D also has a tail radar (3 radars total) but it’s not modeled in WT

Just a myth

you got in there to verify?
i’m only showing what i’ve seen, and i wish it is only a Warning Radar about Missiles, and not a locking one.

you can bug report it, maybe.

and thats without mentioning that Gaijin cant get the AI aircraft right and often Bluefor has redfor AI aircraft and redfor has bluefor AI aircraft but thats for Sim.

In ARB though, they could remove enemy markers but leave friendly markers


The drawing isn’t even of an actual Su-33. Some weird concept someones made.

The ventral fins are wrong, the radar is wrong, the tail stinger is wrong.

edit - and it has a catapult hook for some reason. No idea what the missiles are supposed to be either.

Lower tiers was not the objective in going after so let’s put it like this. Any engagement with radar effective enough for BVR.