Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Yeah, but thats not really an indication of rank 9 coming, it could by all means, but i wouldn’t say that it means rank 9 is coming.

its just weird that i dont see T-1 and F-2 prototypes right here:


Brother this has been the case for years and years now. It just bumps up a rank everytime a new rank is introduced.

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How about a Swiss Hornet as Rank 8 Premium for Germany to grind the neu Eurofighter?


I bet every nation is gonna get a top tier jet, f18C would make sense, since also finish sub tree can get it. Good or not we will see but it definetly is going to be an iconic vehicle people want

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Again, dont care. Wanna look at it in the hanger since ill never get to top rank anyway.

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It is not common to go to the top first and come back to high tier later. AFAIK the corsairs came after F-4Js.

That’s my thinking as well. Since F-18 can also go to multiple nations at the same time but those nations are already getting good stuff. US can just get the F-15C (or F-15E) with AESA as a competent Gen 4.5.

Plz no…

It’s still nowhere near bad enough to add at 13.0 though. It’s still a 13.7 aircraft which is off limits so far for premiums.

Could just be Copium but I still think the Hornet will be stronger then people are giving it credit for

I think if any F-18 would end up a Premium its that one. Test drive = more temptation to buy/grind it, but they wouldn’t do that with the US version. While also serving as a premium to grind the tech tree. Could also be added as a means of just having more variety too

I’ve been thinking since they’ll add the hornet so late, that it’ll likely come alone with aim120c5 to help it out in bvr, the question is what they want to give ussr and i think mig29k would be a good counterpart especially with r77-1 if they do go that route.

Oh it’s definitely going to get clubbed by the Typhoon/Rafale/F-15s, but yeah it’s still iconic.

It’s just hard for me to get hyped for an update that seems to neglect high tier ground again.

They don’t have to add a Swiss Hornet even with the addition of a US and Finnish one, especially if they ad EF-2000 they can save Swiss Hornet for premium or squadron or something

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Sweden isnt.

This is true.

Hoping for a ground update soon, EBRC when

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I’m not familiar with the Mig but the Su-30SM (or SM2?) With R-77-1 seems like a good Gen 4.5 choice

This is what i imagine will happen, hopefully this update.

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