ah ok,
but i dont think that never tornados would be played especially if we get the EF
Tornado SLE
Would probably be best to add better AA systems and more electronic warfare tech to help GRB (thermal nets, etc)
To be fair, due to mixed MM, blame MM. If it was strictly Bluefor vs Redfor. You would have better balancing as one side would steamroll. But when you have often US vs US? Not the case. US WR gets artificially lowered due to US vs US matches. Remove that and they jump to 70-80% easily.
The USSR does not need the s-300. She has a Buk, Thor m2, s-350 and others. The USSR had a lot of anti-aircraft missile systems.
or, just a new pantsir.
USSR/Russia lacks close range FNF SPAA, in 20-30km range, not much choice.
Man, next year sounds like it’s going to be really exciting. Top WW2 battleships, submarines, heavy AA missile platforms, and “new vehicle types”…
Let’s goooo!!!
True they could still add it but it seems they don’t see it as a solution to Russia’s air struggles
Extreme weather you say. Maybe something like… A Typhoon?
British Tuesday you mean
I hear thunder and fear a lightning strike :^)
I don’t generally believe much in long term plans.
long term plan = just a wish
In my mind, this is interpreted as: our plans for 2025 are to add subtrees. The rest, may or may not come, will be decided in due time (examples: israel, submarines, etc)
Although it was expected, we can confirm that in 2025 Japan, Israel and China will receive subtrees, probably from coalition. Maybe Germany too. Italy will probably receive a second subtree, Romania + some European nations.
USSR and USA may receive some premium/event vehicles from other nations (like India in UK).
You are aware that there’s a lot more BMD variants than the 4 and 4M right?
And how many of them have entered the tech tree? That’s his point
Thank you! I am going to read it now. These series are one of the best new customs! Great display of information and transparency.
Depends what you consider long term.
The vehicles for the first 2-3 updates of 2025 are likely already in some stage of development, so it wouldn’t suprise me if they plan longer than that.
Gaijin never said every BMD variant would be in the TT, just that some would at some point, of which there’s plenty of variants left. Stop complaining because of nothing jesus christ. At least you get vehicles every update with possible variants left for the TT rather than how Gaijin hard-locks other nations single-variant unique vehicles behind paywalls.
These articles are great. Although I do wish they would touch upon the issue of ground imbalance between nations.
well, I guess 2025 will be the year of the SAM’s and sub trees
If it is as they say, I am excited for next year
SAMs, Subtrees, and Submarines
Life is good