I’m neither supporting, nor opposing the R-27EA, I was just trying to say that we already have plenty of vehicles that fit the description of “existed in parts, but wasn’t completed”
The R-27EA would be better than the R-77-1 in my opinion. It has much less drag, being an R-27E, and would be more like the AIM-120C-5 in range while still being more maneuverable.
Yeah, the more conventional controls of the R-27 make it more comparable to the AMRAAM, the issue with the R-77 is just that the control surfaces have too much drag, and I worry that the issue will persist even with the R-77-1.
And with Russian air in its current state, I wouldn’t be too opposed to Russia having a better Fox 3 to the AMRAAM, God knows the F-15s and F-16s have the much better flight performance and avionics
Dude you are hard coping for a thing that
A. Never existed
B. Was rejected in favor of the R-77
If you want something good for Russian air go ask for R-77-1s or the MiG-29M. Begging for something that never existed is not worth your time.
Also the R-77-1 would be worse than R-27EA so I don’t know why you think the EA would come first.
Honestly I would rather see Gaijin ungimp the Su-27 and MiG-29 flight models before we give them new Fox-3s. I do think the R-77-1 and AIM-120C-5 (and ungimped AAM-4) would be balanced in a vacuum but they would outclass other missiles like the Derby and MICA at the moment.
Hold up I got a solution for you
It doesn’t need to be the best of the best, but having less practical range than the surface launched variant is a little weird.
And the mig 29M has never shone in any plums? Maybe someday, thousands of years ago, somewhere, a line was assigned to it and there is a chance that it will be added in a new update?
I actually don’t have top tier Russia unlocked at all, I just feel Russia is a bit dead at top tier and they could do with something to revive it. I mean the R-73 is super inconsistent, and the R-77 is objectively the worst medium range Fox-3 and the SU-27 flight model is bad for the top tier meta, even if it does get fixed it will still be bad. The Russian have it bad and it makes the game less fun to play.
Someone wants the Typhoon :D
I don’t see how you not having top tier Russia was in any way relevant but ok
And yes Russia deserves better to combat AMRAAMs, the R-27EA is not it though.
Can’t they just introduce the R-77-1 already, tbh.
So as I said earlier this week; this will be yet another typical “cliffhanger weekend”, as always xD
1-2 Dev Blogs, then Saturday, Sunday and possibly Monday without any more news.
You were speaking as though I want the R-27EA for myself, I wanted to clarify that even if added, I won’t get it.
I never refered to you having it, only Russian top tier having it.
Me when the leaklist had no fa18.
Seems to be referring to me directly a decent bit.
And I agree the MiG-29M would be good, but it doesn’t significantly fix Russia’s top tier issues, and with the way War Thunder models drag I don’t see the R-77-1 helping much at all that is why I suggested the R-27AE.
What ever happened to Dev Q&A’s, did they stop doing that?
They are afraid of us
It’s a big shame. They were extremely helpful at addressing concerns and setting out some expectations.