Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

There’s my point


It was experimental just like the SRAAM which exists in game so there is precedent, and depending on weapon loadouts the MiG-31 could be damn good, no turning capability but like the F-15E it goes damn fast and has a damn good radar which seems to be plenty.

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Don’t forget USA air premiums

Pen pineapple apple pen never happened

I’m loving the rumor round up & discussion happening here (where is it)


E in Russian designations always means export . Zhuk ME means modernized export. These are the radars of the export mig 29M/M2/K. The usual zhuk-M are radars for the Russian mig 29M/K. Zhuk-MA (upgraded AESA) is the first version of the radar with an active phased array. Zhuk-a later version. Zhuk-ae is an export version of zhuk-a . Only the zhuk-a/ae is installed on the Mig 35. There were rumors that an old radar was being installed, but I don’t believe in them. Officially, only these two radars. And there is no point in installing older radars, because this is the only significant advantage of the mig 35 over the Su 35, the aesa radar.

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Here’s one of hundreds of pictures of the SRAAM, there’s not a single photo of an R-27EA because they were never constructed.

If you want to take a bus with limited CMs and a couple of 8G SARH missiles to top tier that’s on you.

There is also this image showing what is allegedly a R-27EA




Hey, at least the single-prototype MB.157 is in the tech tree!

The Mig 29M/K will be an excellent solution before the introduction of aircraft with tws. I think it’s even more logical to introduce the mig 29m after the SMT, at 14.0, given that it has much better FM, more suspension points, more powerful engines and the same good radar.

If we go by those rules I will be strapping mock up MICAs to the M4K and screaming at gaijin to make it happen

Btw there’s a whole 4, maybe 5 pixels in that 2nd image

Yea ik, cannot read Russian cyrillic, so idk what variant it is.

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No, its EP ( energy passive). Its not ARH missile, its anti radar passive missile


Ill be honest. Foxbat/Foxhound is one of those that i really dont care if its that practical. Its cool as hell and therefore i want it.

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Ah I see, thanks for the confirmation :)

I guess so, yes. Without its historical 7.5mm guns but yes, at least it is.

That’s the MiG-25 not the MiG-31, the 31 can carry R-77s, R-73s, and R-37s which are the hypersonic A2A missiles and a total of 8 weapons pylons, so dogfighting aside it could be quite good at top tier now.



They really look cool as heck and I’d love to try them. I prefer boom and zoom anyways lol

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You know, come to think, anti-rad R-27E missile would be quite interesting addition