huh so we obviously know about the F15EX with its 16-20 AMRAAM loadout, apparently eurofighter released some news about a possible 16 missile loadout of 14 Meteors and 2 ASRAAMs / I-RISTs
If US ground is an afterthought, then what the hell are Italy, Britain and France?
only a render
Typhoon is a benchmark for modern aviation, and is a testament to collaborative effort among nations, may not be the most iconic, but is certainly the biggest addition we have ever had
a middle of the night shower thought i’d imagine 😁
Lol competitive and top the US grb in the same sentence is crazy.
I’d argue the F16 and Mig29 are the biggest additions to the game
Whining about abrams when you have a whole lineup of them, with amazing CAS and a large playerbase is wild
i wonder how much they will have the aasm loft at long ranges
Empty talking? Reducing the BRs of certain vehicles usually ends up making the compression worse.
Make more room upwards and have the ones that are currently too low in BR go up.
I mean eh? I would take the V2 over the Challenger 3 TD which im pretty sure was added in the same update and also has only been nerfed
once this patch drops i’m going to check how many duplicate vehicles are in game for each nation and get back to you guys
And yet no one plays the latter, while the former is fading into mediocrity, the typhoon will stay competitive up until the game’s end
Its obvious Br decompression is not coming anytime soon so rather than asking something fantasy i asked for actual solution.
Reducing F20’s Br to 12.3 will not cause any major change rather than making this unique plane much more playable.
So, I want to be clear that I’m actually quite excited for this update.
People often describe the relationship between the 4th major update and 5th major update as the 4th major is smaller and has a lot of copy and paste (which I don’t think is always true) and that the 5th major has all of the exciting new features.
This update is very exciting, but it does look like it’s heavily focused on vehicles that can be applied to as many tech trees at once:
Eurofighter (GBR, IT, DEU)
Strela (comes to GBR and DEU)
M44 (US, FR, IT, DEU, JP)
Thai air subtree (copies, but very much welcome)
I’m in favor of all of these additions to be clear. I think if Gaijin is going to add a new vehicle to the game, then it makes sense to make it available to as many nations as possible, that’s just good business.
We know it can carry 6 missiles since we know it could carried 2 less than F-22, we know it was less maneuverable, we know it could super cruise at m1.72 but I don’t know the altitude.
I’m sure there’s more than you think publicly available
YF-17 should come first though
Why another BMD is locked behing a paywall? Why even add ANOTHER premium light tank to russia? What is this a joke? Since few updates russia got nothing to grind expect some shilkas no one needed. Now there is a occasion to add something special, and you make it a premium.
im happy now I just wait for the dev so I can mess around with the EFT and decide if I want to finally get it or not lol
Su-33 as a squadron vehicle is FAIRNESS for those who does not have access to russian top jets or Sukhois
“Large playerbase” lol you mean level 1s click bait players