Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

this trailer was very heavily russia focussed.
They are even getting another top tier spaa in the form of the Tor-2M

My meltdown might start tomorrow depending on what ground vehicles they show on the stream.


This is chinese HQ-17

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oh come on you can wait for one single round

the resr has been waiting for half a year

That was HQ-17

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could still be on dev server

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It’s not about being meta, it’s about waiting for everyone else to catch up so we can get our fan favorite plane. Even if the F-2 is dogshit I’d be hyped for it. Ideally though it’ll be here before it becomes DoA…


Except that the tor was guarding ZTZ99s…

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Strangely enough i dont think su33s are top tier worthy. They are basically su27s on a carrier, R-27R/ER and R-73.

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doesn’t china alr have a tor tho

Hopefully, they come just like the M44 for everyone.


Are we going straight to Typhoon Tranche 2 Block 10?!

…I need to commission a new pair of pants.

please step on lego.


@Smin1080p_WT Does gaijin have any plans to remove Tor M1 from Chinese TT since its getting HQ-17?

We had such a good streak going though :(

Lore accurate tor gameplay, but whats inaccurate is seeing 3 ZTZ99s in a top tier match


I assume it’ll come with AESA planes

maybe even as part of the first batch

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Whats that Italian artillery vehicle?

Unlikely… The car is iconic, it would be shown in a trailer. Even the ugly su33 was shown, but the j-10b was not. (