Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

This is HQ-17

Youd be lucky getting that before F-35A JSDF NGL.

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No 😭

No news in forever, where devstream?

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I dont think that italy use pzh2000?

The rafale didnt appear to have a carrier hook




To be fair, we were hoping for F-2 which if it’s not in the trailer is probably not ready or coming. Thai stuff is great for filling mid/high tiers but a huge turn off for top tier


@Smin1080p_WT C’mon Smin it won’t be a war thunder update without some shorta melt down and the Indian Rafale would do just that lol

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Where hornet and F-2 smh


Where is F/A-18?


Well, but that is interesting. German EFT with Brimstones :)?

French is back on the menu. Time to cook.


Curiously I didn’t see a US jet so are they just not getting the F18 and by extension anything for once :o

eh you get 2 Current Pre-Typhoon Meta planes

Gonna show a carrier, but not a Hornet…

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So are the Abrams Sepv2 finally getting a model change this update or are we stuck with a permanent TUSK package again

Very sad day

Replace them with Indian roundels it would make them 100% better : 3

I am very disappointed… I wanted at least one, but in the end I ended up without both, j-10b, j-11b, I’m going to miss you. 😭

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