I wouldn’t call PL-12 amazing. It preforms worse than any amraam variant in game
Your opinions are, uh, interesting…
This is understandable, but given the energy of the j-11b, it will be able to launch them further than the j-10a, coming in close to the aim120. I think they will be able to take 25-30 kilometres
Let me dream, don’t ruin the thinker in me
Good opinion 👍
I think it was mostly a reference to rank VIII and 4th gen fighters.
But regardless, all but 2 of the last 5 updates have had a more general theme (air superiority, seek&destroy and firebirds). I doubt this one will be any different.
Hell I could see them hiding the name in plain sight, “extreme weather” like in the CM disclosures.
I feel like extreme weather or the coming storm aren’t very hype names.
That said if the teaser is goated I don’t care.
Let me tell you I am expecting an Apex Predators or Danger Zone level teaser otherwise I will be so incredibly dissapointed.
The Soviets and American’s got their hype teaser(s), time for the Euro’s and Chinese.
But to be honest, I highly doubt that the j-11b will be added. Most likely, they will add rafale, EF-2000, J-10B. 4 new top fighters, too much like a holiday, Gajin won’t make us so happy. The J-11B has probably started to be made by the first update of 2025.
@Smin1080p_WT can you at least disclose where the Thailand line would be going to make it easier to start grinding towards it?
US has unfathomable amounts of money and technology.
But are they prepared to absorb the kind of casualties that a peer to peer conflict would generate?
USA cannot wage war if the public perception back home is negative, you will see that if it kicks off in the INDOPAC region and the US invetibaly loses surface ships or even carriers.
China on the other hand wont be as concerned casualties.
This is the USAs major weakness the perception that technology and the false sense of accomplishment in waging war against insurgencies, somehow insulates them from the real truth.
If the US/NATO goes to war with Russia or China many NATO/US service personnel will die.
Air superiority remains the most hyped teaser for me. The blend between top tier air and ground was just great.
Yep Gaijin havent learned that adding crests and hard cover from the spawns just leads to protection for the spawn campers :(
You defeated Gerhman, so now you have to deal with the moon presence.
I can’t believe I forgot about air superiority, but now you see what I mean about plural goated teasers.
I am hoping, begging, and expecting this one to match if not surpass them all.
I wanna see how Thailand will be shown in the teaser. (I am so hyped for the Thai Air Line). If it is shown with Thai flag in the background like how the Hungarian air was shown, I might faint. XD
The best teaser is dron age, air superiority, apex predators.
Danger zone was pretty a pretty great teaser
My favorite by far, I was just getting out of the movie theater after seeing Top Gun Maverick, just to see that it had dropped, perfect timing lol
So only way we’re losing is from public dislike?