Good. Then France will be forced to help us in the Second Great Emu War.
Didn’t you royally piss France off with that whole submarine malarky, I’m not sure they won’t sell the birds guns
Emus for the British TT when?
you do realise the F-15EX cant hold 22 ARH missiles, it can hold 12
Where did we get the A.C.IV then? Jolly good tank.
You’re telling me the CL-84 is not only better looking, it’s also safer as well? (Canadair for the win)
New Zealand :P
If they don’t know already, they will soon know the menace of the emus. If they help the emus, they will be facilitating the downfall of their great empire.
When indeed.
New and improved.
Rafale carries 6 missiles until the newest version of either the F.4.1 or the Indian Rafale F.3 modification, these ones can carry 8. J-10 would be superior in missile numbers to the Rafale C F.3.2 that is on the leak-list. It would also potentially have better missiles when you consider that PL-12 is a better BVR missile than MICA EM and then Magic 2 and PL8B/PL9 would be ‘better’ than Magic 2 if Gaijin chose to add those. However MICA and Magic 2 are better dogfight missiles.
So, 6+2 for J-10 (which is 6 PL-12 +2 PL8B/PL5EII), 6 for Rafale (MICA EM), probably 6+2 for Eurofighter (6 AMRAAM+2 AIM-9M).
For the engines, the jets weigh roughly the same clean, Rafale uses two of the Snecma M-88-4 which produces 75kn of thrust each for a total of 150kn of thrust in afterburner. Eurofighter uses the Eurojet EJ200 producing 90kn of thrust each for a total of 180kn of thrust in afterburner (though 95kn is advertised with WAR power but EFT might not get that but that would then be 190kn).
One thing that is overlooked is channel loss, Eurofighter’s relatively bad looking intake minimises channel loss to <3% by having a movable lip, whereas Rafale’s intake is fully optimised for RCS reduction and if the Mirage Family are anything to go by, this will mean the channel loss is higher particularly at low speeds.
What did Bhutan do?
why was the north island of japan deleted?
Captured all my 20 spies every HOI4 game
To the Osprey’s record they do have loads of hours logged on them between incidents but they are common enough.
Okay, but what about Timor-Leste, Andorra, and Brunei?
WWIII is going to be France vs THE EMUS
It always was going to be.
They are not real they can’t hurt you.
You are wrong