Yeah im not sure how far they plan on going we’ll see
I’m definitely curious to see what Gaijin will do with this dev cycle.
The way I’m expecting it currently goes:
- Teaser on Wednesday/Thursday (December 11th or 12th) - more likely on Thursday
- Dev server opening and Dev stream on Friday (December 13th)
- Dev server closes sometime between Tuesday and Thursday next week (December 17th - 19th)
- Patch drops either on Thursday that week or early the next week (December 19th, 23rd, 24th, 25th?)
Thats a Myth, it doesnt exist
We bogans do indeed exist, actually.
You guys have great beer. Off topic but had to say it.
Except Fosters.
I heard their Iced Coffees are even better
I don’t remember the name of it but I remember it had a tiger on it.
I don’t drink, and even when I did, I wasn’t much of a beer drinker, so I can’t help you there.
See, its not on a world map
If only the US hadn’t chickened out, we would have had this beauty long before the Boeing Osprey.
Damn, you got me there.
The Osprey is on track with the 737 Max.
and it’s only the 2nd most dangerous way to fly after balloons made of explosives
If you close your eyes~
Does it almost feel like nothing’s changed at all?
france is still there
France should stay. What did Ireland do, though?
I think they don’t understand what they want. If these anti-aircraft guns are similar to Tansam (high jamming protection and range limited to 10-12 kilometers), in large quantities they will simply destroy not the coolest сAS aircraft, but will not cause discomfort to the coolest CAS such as the AGM65D/G and Kh-38 carriers.
For example, let’s take the F-16 A Blk10
I can destroy even a team covered by pantsirs on a plane like this, with the right play(at the same time I have to fly very close to the map, which makes it easier for me to shoot down both from AA and from planes and helicopters), despite the inconvenience of using the AGM65, but the chance of dying from an IR missile with a good overload with this style of play is much higher, because I am always forced to fly at least on the border of such an anti-aircraft gun’s range.
But if I land on an F-16AM or similar with an AGM65D and a guidance container, all these Strelas and Tansams won’t even be able to reach me and will die
I think that’s how it will be with similar anti-aircraft guns. Yes, they will be better than Tansams and some will have radars, but they will not be able to work as an anti-missile defense (like, for example, a pantsir or other SAC anti-aircraft gun) and will simply bully weaker CAS planes.
My opinion
If this is what those who are asking to remove aviation as such from the GRB/GSB want, then I would not take their opinion into account.
Without Britain, France will become unstoppable, be careful what you wish for