Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

You have doomed the RR

Soon they will be upon us

What have you done

deleting promptly, delete the quote as well, NOW

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Nothing on the CR2 is “overperforming”

A few parts are correctly modeled, the rest are underperforming significantly.

Even the shells are marginally (or maybe even significantly depending on the soruce) underperforming

Lmao 😂

nobody here currently has advocated that all of ASEAN should go to china… at most they’ve advocated for more “chinese aligned nations” in ASEAN go to china.

fun fact - you can be racist to your own people

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quickly, delete it now before they discover it and come upon us

It’s too late 😭😂

Not only, but also other nations, nobody said they only want their stuff only, especially ASEAN can provide enough vehicles, and pls don’t represent anyone, you’re not qualified to represent them, you guys even complained about too many Chinese players in the last poll, but it seems that didn’t stop Gaijin add Thailand TT to Japan.

This would be the exact way I’d do it.

Personally I’d thought of it like tags. A Nation could have any number of tags but as longs it share a tag with another nation it could share vehicles in a line-up.

Edit: it probably be a good idea, the every nation used for a line-up has to share all tags. AKA, A Canadian line-up can’t dip into both Commonwealth and NORAD, most of the time(a NATO tag would allow an Can-US-UK line up as all share a tag)

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link the message because I like making sure that I have the context instead of taking cherry picked screenshots at face value.

Anyway lads, I ask this every week :

  • What’s everyone most looking forward too from the list?

  • What’s everyone most (realistically) coping will be included that isn’t on the list ?

  • What’s everyone most malding over that is on the list?

nothing anymore because they added the 2nd most useless version of the VBCI instead of giving france a good IFV

so if UK and US shared a tag, they could use each other stuff? is that what you mean

or lets says AUS/CAN was a coalition thing, US and UK could both use CAN/AUS vehicles but not each others stuff, thats how i read it

tbh the problem with ASEAN is that every nation combined has such an absurd amount of equipment that no one nation should have ALL of it. It’s the same issue with giving poland to one specific country.

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  1. rdf/lt or the fast aav thing

  2. F-18 hopefully come, and F-2

  3. 4.5 gen jet without the US equivalents

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I’m in the same boat, if we get no F-2 I’m just gonna skip the update just like the last one until the next one

Maybe when talking about US vs China alignment, there are “Chinese aligned nations”, but when talking about Japan vs China alignment the only nation that has a more positive impression of China is Laos. The funny part is that nations that Japan is fully happy to hand over to China like Vietnam and Myanmar are some of the most pro-Japan nations out of the bunch with Vietnam being the most active voice about Japan leading ASEAN as a military alliance and Myanmar having over 50% of its defense budget paid by Japan pre-coup.

In another quote he talks about how now that Japan has a bunch of copy paste Thai stuff, all their problems are fixed and don’t need any other equipment from anyone else.

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the F-2 is so overdue, no HMD, 4 AAM-4s, 4 AAM-3s

and AESA currently is just modeled like crap XD


PESA should be extremely quick, AESA should just be effectively instant