Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)



yeah exactly, and in NATOs disadvantage probably just for balance

i will not comment on this anymore no matter how many replies i get^^

Honestly the historcial accuracy and “realism” ship has sailed long ago in this game


Now that a new level of US coping lmao

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it was never there, only selected stuff gets accepted as a bug report anyway

I can very much see the F-35 being added earlier, ignoring the fact that it is actually 3 completely different aircraft it would go to US, Britain, Germany, France (BeNeLux), Japan, Italy, Israel, and Sweden (Finland) which is more than enough nations for it to be added earlier than the much better F-22, J-20, and SU-57

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already in game brother : P

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True, that TD is a menace in air battle, how could I forget


let me say it slowly because you seem confused here.

The Typhoon will lose in the close range fights more often than not, because in spite of it’s superior flight performance (which btw the gap isn’t that big), it just has far worse weapons for that type of fight… The AIM-120 and 9M do not hold a candle to the PL5EII, PL8B, Magic 2, or MICA in a close range fight.


F22 is not better than F35 and most nations would still buy f35 even if f22s were for sale (F22 is my fav jet btw)

Those two missiles are actually pretty poor close in due to them having very strong motors, they pick up too much speed too soon for them to be super effective dogfight missiles

I can’t speak on the magic 2 having not used it too much, but the MICA is a beast close up


The F-22 and Su-57 are NOT better than the F-35. Thr J-20 and Su-75 maybe but we do not have reliable sources on them at all.

The earliest I see the F-35 coming in next december with the F-22 in June or September.

I genuinely believe you to be insane, the F-35 while a great jet is still a world away from the F-22 in terms of performance, and in war thunder terms the F-35 is slow and doesn’t turn great which if I recall correctly are both pretty important for war thunder’s gameplay


to throw my 2 cents in on this 5th gen convo, some of these aircraft are made for different roles here.

The F-35 and F-22 isn’t a cut and dry “one is superior” because one is a pure air superiority fighter while the other is a multirole platform.

Same for the J-20 vs J-35

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The F-35 preforms just as good as the F-16 in dogfights what do you mean? And it is not slow even remotely.

(Apologizes has to go look back at my sources)

IRL that is very much true, but for War Thunder do you really believe that the F-35 will hold a candle to the F-22

This wouldn’t be the end of the world.

As Italy has both its one and the Hungarian one it could get, so it could lose one to being a prem while still getting a TT one.

The point of the F-35 is that it never gets to a dogfight, but if they were to dogfight the F-16 would win every time

That is not even remotely true most the publically avaliable information on the F-35 in mock dogfights was before they removed the 6G limit it had.

Also you have to remember that the F-35s HMD is incredibly giving it the ability to fire an AIM-9X behind the aircraft.