Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Anything will work better than two blokes, a car, and a rusty machine gun.

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Wasn’t it two blokes and a sergeant?

great emu war vs US feral hog war

Can’t remember.

what do they even shoot at then? do they just set up targets in the middle of nowhere for training?

You know how in Q&A, they said we could expect a blog on better top tier AA in the near future, do you think that’ll be before the end of the year?

Considering it’s America, that sounds about right.

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Obviously not.

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Am I being dumb or why is that obvious ?

They said they are looking into ways of implementing them. If they were to be implemented this year, they’d have already decided on how they’d be added long ago.

so there is a chance they will just pick a rock to shoot at?

I think you’ve misinterpreted my question, I was asking if you think the blog would be this year, not the systems themselves

Oh, I misread. Regardless, however, they wouldn’t release a blog for it if it’s still early in development.

nah i dont think so tbh, news will be filled with update. they will wait for it to cool down before posting about that

The major ones are already in the files and have code for functionalty, so not just air rb props

feel like addition of those long range SPAA will justify cruise missiles or at least much longer range a2g weapons

hopefully just stick to HARM, shrike and variants

No, it justifies HARMs

Yes, however from what we know, they still haven’t decided how they will make them playable. It could be that there are general support vehicles in the spawns that everyone on that team can use, it could be that the player will take control of one of these vehicles outside the map and be able to switch between them like with scout drones, or it could be something else.

GPS guided weapons will be highly effective against fixed SPAA, with how many JDAM or LJDAM a strike eagle can carry it can easily overwhelm multiple, let alone GBU-39

howver they lack range except for the gbu-39 so i expect HARM like you said

The reason they are adding these systems in tbe first place is to crack down on CAS dominance, do you think they will simply double down and add better standoffs weapons?

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