Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

F-15 history, combat record, looks, and overall capabilities beat typhoon

better radar, EW on new ones, better IRST due to acess to SNIPER pod, only thing it doesnt equal is in type of a2a missile, aim9x better turn than ASRAAM but worse range, meteor betetr than 120D but with 260 coming very soon F-15 will get advantage due to more missile + better radar, it far exceeds typhoon payload, exceeds looks, it can supercruise on the 229 ones but only clean, not like typhoon, has higher top speed, lacks in dogfighting compared to it though

Near a marine corps air station

I meant what country, though I assume America.


No but in all seriousness though East Coast U.S.

There’s the thing, though. In America, of course you’re going to see fighters all the time. There’s a tonne of them. In Australia, however, there’s not nearly as many, so it’s much rarer to see them.

americas a hell of a lot bigger too, so some areas will get it constantly and some areas will never see one


Have you ever looked at a globe?

We have these fly around all the time

F-21A and Hawker Hunters.


Clearly they should add both to the US

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2.989 million square miles vs 3.797 sqaure miles is no insignifcant difference

Minus Alaska, Australia and America are very similar in size, actually. There’s just that small thing in the middle of Australia that’s pushed almost everyone to the coasts.

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They should, I love watching them fly around with the F-5Es, they’re all used as aggressors.

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i mean they literally have US livery on them

well it is still a double standard thing and i hate that because they know that we need FnF weapons in our jets but they deny Mavericks despite of having no claims that it cant use them but at the same time they dont do something to solve the problem and to solve the problem we need our own developed FnF ground munitions, Popeye, Spice-1000/2000, bro the damn F-16D Block 40 is in the game for 1+ year now they seriously didnt know what the F-16D carry or carried in real life? how much time they need to make our ground munitions and introduce it in our jets?

are you talking about desert? is this some australian inside joke?

The Outback, yes. And it’s not specifically an inside joke that the Outback is said to be small. Calling large things small is done all over the world.

wasnt sure if there was something else there i knew nothing about and you were making a joke about that

black mesa???

It’s the emus actually. They haven’t forgotten about the Great Emu War.

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Not just these 2 don’t have rank VIII premiums.
There are only UK, USA and Sweden having them. Plus China has rank 8 squadron jet, USA, Germany and France have event rank 8.

ah i see. hopefully super horent will work better against them this time