Brazilian vehicles for Germany? I mean they do use the leopard wich is from Germany.
Personally I think they should still be a sub-tree for Italy, but instead of being integrated into the Italian tree as if it were also Italian, it should be split from Italian vehicles into its own “full tree” with its own premiums and full tech tree lines. Maybe even make it so that you can’t use Hungarian vehicles to grind the Italian tree, but keeping the option of mixing the lineups together anyway, with in-battle flag tabs you would have to click on to switch between the two nations.
I’m flying the “Hungarian” MiG-21MF, and it feels an Italian MiG for the most part.
Peak logic
There are a lot of potential rank VII’s. Wonder how they will add them.
No yankee or swede stuff, huh?
I am lost my believe in gaijin after kf-41 situation
The issue isn’t the presence of copy-paste elements, but rather their implementation. It feels lackluster and lazy, as if done for a quick profit without any effort to balance the tech trees. We understand that some nations will feature planes and tanks from other countries, but what we really want is diversity and unique tech trees. That’s all.
No more news today :( hopefully they just pulling a fast one and teaser tonight ))
Alpha strike added 47, seek and destroy added 46, Dancing dragons added 47 and Fire birds added 39 this year.
I hope you are right and we get around 50 like the previous december updates, because this list is way to depressing for it to be 75-90% of the update content.
To be completely honest, I don’t want to see more tech trees anyways. The subtree rework from the suggestions would be way better.
However it is fairly concerning to hear them claim a nation like India to not have enough vehicles and to have them being added as a subtree to a nation that didn’t need another subtree, but at the same time they claim that they do in fact have plans for new tech trees…
Yeah very depressing
It baffles me people still complain about this, it’s Hungarian army vehicle in the Hungarian tree, Germany may get a different version down the line but that is a separate issue and a separate vehicle
Brazilian M60 and leopard 1, centuaro 2 for Brazilian anti tank. EE-9 Cascavel (a tank Brazil made on their own) and yeah that’s fit for brazil side nation tree
Well, i didn’t want Hungarian version. Just German tech demonstrator…
Interesting, now the pzh store link goes to 404 Gaijin.Net Store
We better get a tech tree variant as well…
As Smin has said, that’s a different vehicle not just C&P so if it is being added it will be later down the line, but afaik Germany isn’t in desperate need of a prototype IFV
It seems like they’re padding the tech trees with more and more RP, making it take longer for the average player to progress.
This feels like a strategy to extract more money from players until they reach the top tier and can no longer advance. In my opinion, they should slow down and focus on balancing the game, improving quality of life, introducing new game modes, and addressing gaps in other nations’ content.
They could just have deactivated the link for the time being, I wouldn’t get my hopes up, if I were you
Edit: the BMD4 and RDF FLT pack links are inactive as well
Yeah, however this isn’t something Gaijin doesn’t care about, German vehicles can be seen with plenty of weapons they didn’t use. It’s done for balance.