I guess 1.5 years late is better than never.
so they dont even have any with missles equipped in service ?
man poor french
TEC - “I don’t like leaks gaijin please deal with them”
Also TEC -
From what I’ve seen the R-77-1 has a different motor setup with boost and sustain but only marginally more overall Delta V, but at the same time has a much higher mass and so presumably loses more energy in turns and high G maneuvers, so overall better at longer range and worse at shorter range to the base R-77
I would do the same, cha ching…
I would use it at 12.0 anyway hahah
Just like I currently am using BMP-2M there.
Anyone else read this wrong…
Oh thank goodness I wasn’t the only one lmao
Yeah, I had to do a double take ngl
dont worry others did as well lmao
haven’t watched tec since his absolutely horrible take on the boycott we had a couple years ago.
his channel is still alive because of leaks, yet he’s saying that XD
took me a while to see that lol
It makes you wonder if these guys are actually playing a typical match of ARB.
They are the only reason why I can even generally stay positive when playing. You really don’t learn the game well sitting back and playing BVR missile bus all day. I know this because I really didn’t develop my playstyle any further until the AIM-7 fix and especially the dawn of SPAMRAAM.
Can anyone even prove that the 77M and 77-1 aren’t the same missile? Everything I’ve read recently refers to the same missile with the same designations interchangeably.
I pray.
Any one of them could carry it, and based on conflict in a place we aren’t allowed to talk about here, it’s been used there, and we have not seen any instances thus far of any MiG-29’s being used by Russia over there. So I wouldn’t restrict it to one carrier.
Where’s the datamine? I don’t see R-77-1 on the modification tree.
Is there a chance the Su33 being a premium/pack/ge/squad vehicle?
R-77-1 is already in the files
If they gave us Su-30SM or something actually viable, absolutely.
If they give the Su-33 the Kh-31 or Kh-41, it’s literally the next Marineflieger.
Its confirmed now Japan navy captured a French Courbet-Class in WWII and it will be added soon as Premium to the Bluewater TT.
But forreal my reaction when looking at this
Join the party mate.