Stop blaming USA top tier win rates on player skill

with 7 people in buy to win tanks? naah bro that was a lost that from the start.

@bertgame @Fat_Fury you are going to notice the amount of russian cope on the forums. they have the best spaa, the best anti tank missile, one of the best helicopters in the game, over performing armor, over performing ERA, tanks that don’t blow up when you hit their ammo, and 60% of the time they are paired with germany /china , then their planes are the only ones with buy to win gimmicks ecm jammers, planes that just don’t die when hit etc.

Do you uh, did you mean IRCM? That’s seen on only one aircraft, the Su-39? (that I know of)

You do know where to shoot, right?
Lower Glacis, hull side center turret, driver’s sight if hulldown.
While I don’t exactly know how ERA stops KE rounds, it still adds mils of armor and protection from HEAT. Still, the ERA is primarily placed in spots where you’re not supposed to shoot anyways, save for the side ERA of the T-90M / T-80BVM

Not many countries operate ATGMs in the same ways as the 125mm 9M119 is operated by Russia, hence why they have the best ATGM, unless you are talking about that which is loaded on the Ka-50/52 (my mind is blanking rn) which tbf is decently outclassed by at least the Brimstone and maybe the one the Eurocopters have (also blanking), though not one I’ve ever seen/died to to my knowledge

Being paired with China makes historical sense, though this is also in part because Russia, Germany, and America are the most played ground nations, with Sweden, Japan, and France following after

I could argue the JA37DI F21 has the pay to win gimmick of being one of only four non TT Fox-3 Capable Aircraft, alongside the F-14A IRIAF which has the gimmick of the Fakours, also worth noting are the JF-17 and Kfir C.10.
Other (not as pay to win) gimmicks can include: MiG-21Bison, 12.3 with R-73s and R-27s
F/A-18C E, 12.7 with 4 AIM-7Ps and 2 AIM-9Ls
*Mind you, matched in BR by the MiG-29 9-12s, with 2 R-27ERs and 4 R-60Ms. F-16A MLU/J/ADF with only 2 AIM-7Ms and 4 AIM-9Ls, and so on
*Also mind you, Premiums/Event/Squad vehicles are usually actively detrimental to their nation, as they end up flooding the MM, tanking K/D and W/L ratios, and just overall putting poor players into a tier they don’t belong at

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the gun, manlet, roof if you have the higher ground

Sometimes it just ricochet my round tho and eat things like m774 or xm885

pair with germany and the game is already done, ive lost prolly like 7/10 games because the team just isnt good enough

Germany, Sweden, and Russia used to be an incredible powerhouse of a combo, also M774 is the worst US 105MM APFSDS, so that one is a bit expected.

All in all, I personally think US is so horrifically cooked not because it’s got bad vehicles, or is a popular nation, but simply because the US has 3 11.7 Purchaseable vehicles, (RDF/LT, M1A1 AIM, M1A1 HC Clickbait) alongside 3 CAS powerhouses purchaseable in packs (F-18, AV-8B, A-10A). US gets tanked due to having such a high premium concentration, and those players are usually significantly worse than the usual TT player, and I myself am guilty of being a significantly worse player.

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I mean like i almost got like 5 nukes today, and only grinding on the M1A1 which isnt even spaded
but the team is just, like very very bad
the Abrams isnt bad, it has problems but honestly the thing that is most annoying is just the turret ring, the hydraulic pump and the model tbh

Yes, my thoughts exactly. The Abrams is just mid for 12.0 but it’s definitely not the worst. But considering that France and Italy both (at least at one point) had the highest WR at top tier, with worse top tier tanks, it’s definitely a skill issue.


Honestly if some of my US teammates have more than 1 kill I’m already somewhat impressed.

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Germany, Sweden and Russia on the same team is still an automatic win though.

Eh none of these are what I would consider CAS powerhouses, but I guess it depends what you compare them to.

Only the SU-25/39 have that if i remember correctly and it only work from behind. Meaning he coping how he not being able to kill a sub sonic Strike aircraft with AAM

I mean even if he did , he wouldn’t be able to kill the t series cause he doesn’t aim. He can’t kill the T series with the same weakspot that existed on every soviet/chinese tank from rank 6-8.

Me when Sart unable to kill the subsonic Su25/39 and proceed to complain about USSR being broken for the 8912378467123784 times. It is always the “Russian cope” and “Anti-Nato” , “Anti-US” that speak out about how bad Le russian tank and how good le US is. It is not like there are load of thread talking about how bad US/Nato is and how gaijin is a russian biased company right ? I am definitely wrong on this