Stop adding (sub) tech tree

That doesn’t matter, his argument is a matter of opinion on what he considers as unique compared to what I would consider unique.

I don’t consider it unique because it’s a Tiger II (P), a vehicle that already exists in the German tech tree, and beyond higher quality model (which comes with the fact it is a much newer vehicle) it doesn’t offer anything that the German counterpart doesn’t.

He considers it unique (or more unique than not unique) because it is the specific Tiger II (P) that Sweden bought.

Simples as. This isn’t a matter of expertise.

Be accurate to your accusations because I never said these vehicles were just copy and paste. There is, however, a very large part of those vehicles that is copy paste (their performance). Not to mention that the older vehicles will likely get updated with the newer models in the near future (they are already on that process with the Tiger IIs).


Sweden? Sweden would never find itself at war without Finland, Denmark and Norway joining in. They might as well change the name of that faction to the Nordics, cause we brothers up here.

give me norwegian chaffee and danish draken rahhh

In many cases, subtrees are simply needed.

For example: Hungarian subtree on the Italian tech tree.

No matter how much the Arietes were buffed, they would never, NEVER ever be even remotely on par with the rest of the Top Tier MBTs.

The Hungarian Leopard 2A7HU is the first and only chance Italy has had to have an actual Top Tier MBT in years!

Another example: South African subtree on the British tech tree.

Would you have had U.K endure Top Tier against SU-27s, F-15s, F-16s, F-18s (soon) and MiG-29s… with Tornado F.3, Harrier GR.7 and Phantom FGR until the arrival of Eurofighter Typhoon?

The South African JAS-39C is the only thing giving U.K a functional Top Tier fighter until Eurofighter eventually comes.

Lol someone’s high on self righteousness

Just because i can read it doesn’t mean i know more.

I just know there is enough evidence of the Swedish Tiger 2 (P) being a rare model of the allready rare 2 (P) vehicles.

The German one being a depiction of a more common and later 2 (P)

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Nothing wrong with sub-trees as long as Gaijin doesn’t put 80%+ of it’s focus on copy paste

Thesis please?