Steam moderator is abusing power

This might not belong here but I don’t know where else should it be.
Anyway, there is a moderator on Steam discussions who is abusing his position. I’ve posted a lot of times and all of the times, my post are getting deleted without a context. Recientely I posted about WZ305 proxy round being unbalanced on “General discussion” and I got BANNED for 3 or 4 days for posting unrelated topics. I decided to make this, but when I went to take a screenshot, the post dissapeared and couldn’t see who banned me. Now that I’ve posted again, it got removed again. Steam moderators should be overwatched, as one of them might be banning players and deleting posts to his will and not following the rules

Apparently I think they are… There’s a section of steam moderators if you scroll down.

Vehicle related you must use “Machinery of War” section if it does exist in Steam forums. I may be wrong but the Web forums’ guideline is the same or similar to Steam forums.

The problem is that Steam moderators ignore players complains. I’ve seen posts here complaining about them as well, being unfair and ignoring appeals and such. Steam moderation need a serious revision, or at least a report about who are they banning and why or deleting posts…

There isn’t a section dedicated to vehicles, so I posted it on General Discussion, where there are more posts about vehicles as well. It was an unfair ban

Please contact the relevant staff for this matter. Link is provided by FlyingDoctor.