"Stealth" torpedoes and one-sided matches make playing Naval Arcade pointless

Are you saying you are not dying from torpedoes? I think you are missing the point. People are saying (including me) that there is no torpedo alarm AND no torpedo trail in certain situations. I’m dying (including last night) due to unexplained circumstances, including stealth shells. I’m checking the sky for incoming shells and the water for incoming torpedoes and suddenly poof death screen… you are dead. What? No, I was not busy fighting someone. I was in my Japanese cruiser plenty far enough to avoid any incoming danger by changing direction of the ship. The water was calm and nobody was shooting at me and then… death screen. This has happened multiple times already ever since that latest fiasco update.
One more thing, if people are used to the torpedo alarm and suddenly that feature gets broken out of the sudden, are we just supposed to accept it and move on? Typical gaijin: one step forward, two steps back.

EDIT: I think it’s possible that I’m not dying due to stealth shells, but still due to stealth torpedoes, but the game misreports it on the death screen.

If such a bug currently exists, then hopefully it’s fixed.

two times I had the issue that my boat explodes w/o reason. the killfeed doesn’t show any enemy which killed me - only the name of my ship and the “explode”-icon. The ship was neither critically damaged or collided with some object/land. - next time I will analyze the replay if it shows more information…

Stealth Torpedos are rare but definitely a thing.

Yesterday I killed a ship at about 4km, spotted torpedo launch through binoculars, shortly afterwards had visual tracks followed by audible alarm. All fine to that point.

3 torpedos inbound, easily threaded the needle only to die at the precise moment they passed my bow to…hiting a jellyfish?

Kill line came up - death by torpedo, from the ship I had sunk so I know it wasn’t just bad luck and I had missed a simultaneous inbound from a different angle. It wasn’t an ammo racking from a distant foe. Nor a forgotten fire or flood event.

Conclusion - A massively overspeed supersonic revenge torpedo from the ships respawn point in the distance that coincidentally struck at the precise moment the others passed by?..or a stealthy 4th from the original hail mary death launch that didn’t show up.