State of Warthunder in 2024

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Paragraphs would help…

(Edit - False flaggers begone)


oh and if this post was flagged by gaijin’s little helpers you know why.


does it matter at this Point man.

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Cool story bro…

And yes, yes it does… Makes it so no-one but the aggrieved who instantly say ‘OMG YES I WAS SAYING THAT THE GAME WAS THE PROBLEM ALL ALLLONGGGG!!!’ will read it.

(Edit - False flaggers begone)

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^^ Aggrieved and really upset, so much so they also made a whinge thread about it.

(Edit - False flaggers begone)


The game inst perfect. Gaijin isnt perfect and we (as the playerbase) and Gaijin certainly had some serious friction in the last few years regarding a lot of stuff. But saying that the game isnt getting any better and it never will is just outright not true. Just take a look at the roadmaps. They listened to our feedback (they were kinda made to do so tho, but it wasnt fruitless) now we can see pretty much about a year ahead of every big general change of the game with many QoL updates and mechanics. Gaijin were true to their word, they kept their promises and the current state of the game is although not perfect, but million times better than it was not so long ago and i have no reason not to believe that they wont follow their roadmaps any further. So i guess i have to disagree with you as the game is certainly going in the right direction.

Edit: typos

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your words make sense, i admit i am a bit tired but i should remind you that what they’re doing is the Bare minimum if not below, don’t get ur hopes high. Ye maybe this game will get better in the future but for how long should we wait? 5-7-10 years?

and here we go another post into shambles way to go people cannot unite for anything. welp i’ll pack and leave before this post get taken down

Inb4 hands off my multimillion dollar corp lmao

Yea, this ain’t trolling, he’s just raging…

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Sorry your thread got derailed by that troll. But the other guy had a point. Not many people are going to take the time to read this because of formatting. It just looked like a big old rant.

I’ll make another post soon about this topic, i really want it to not be a typical rant post be cause i am honest about this but i guess the delivery was wrong.

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Yea, do some formatting and small images to break it up… Try not to be that negative in a running sentence.

all right thanks for the tip.

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Also everyone comes on here and complains. But few offer legitimate solutions. State what the problem is and what you think can be done to fix it. This way it just doesn’t seem like you’re complaining just to complain.


good point.

Idk in my opinion warthunder isn’t in any worse state than last year. It can be even be argued that it has improved. Also you say that the forums doesn’t affect anything so why even post? Reading this thread myself it just seems you want to be negative.


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Yep. Bringing up issues is fine, often helpful… but only if done constructively.