If its at that, I believe its a partial uptier?
I don’t know for light tanks, since I rarely play em. I just look at the medium and heavy tanks spawn point cost to tell me which BR I’m facing.
If its at that, I believe its a partial uptier?
I don’t know for light tanks, since I rarely play em. I just look at the medium and heavy tanks spawn point cost to tell me which BR I’m facing.
If so, my sherman is prtty much always at 100, and my m36 is either at 100 or 90
Just joined a match, these are my average spawn points
I know that for TDs, they see spawn point costs from 90 to 130.
90, meaning up tier, and 130, meaning down tier.
100 means its a slight uptier
110 means you’re its not an up or down tier.
120 is a slight down tier
130 is a full downtier.
The reason you’re seeing that is because of your max BR.
The M18 Hellcat can fight anything from 5.0 to 7.0, thus you’re dragging the M4A1 76 W and M36 Jackson into tiers that they can handle, but its very difficult.
I’d say to research the following vehicles for a much better match:
M4A3 (76) W
M4A3E2 and/or T1E1 (90)
Alright, which one should i research first? im currently stuck with this question because the anti tank, heavy AND shermans are all good
Research the M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo first. It may have a 75 that struggles in its BR, but its worth the payoff of the armor, which can shrug off unaimed short 88 rounds and laugh as a panther begins to panic because he can’t pin your armor.
Though, do have some bushes on the Jumbo Sherman, makes it harder for enemies to hit your frontal weakspot of the MG port.
What if i… well… spent all my ge when i first started just spading my premium vehicle you get?
M36B2 is a slow version of the M36, the heat dosnt make it better, i wouldnt go with it.
Jumbo is also a more Advanced player vehicle i would say, the need for bushed and the need for knowing where to shot is nothing for a beginner.
T1E1 90mm, viable option although i would go with the staby of the 76mm all day.
As Ironhead already saied, spawn costs vary between the tank classes and ofc if u play your m41 together with a M36, the M36 will always cost less due to automatic uptier for that tank.
With the Spawn cost u can basically determine how what the max BR of that round is (btw only 4 top BR per team are allowed, everythink else is at random, also meaning a team dosnt need to have a top tier tank, u will see that a ton if u play 6.7 germany, they will get uptier 9/10 times to 7.7 without having a single 7.7 in their own team, yes the Matchmaker is f***ed up and they are not going to change it ever)