Starting to struggle in wt, is there anything I can do to not?

Ok, so after all the tips I did get better, although i do need a bit more practise.

In a nutshell, here’s what i do now:

  1. start off with an assault ground arcade because it can help me get a booster and i rarely loose money from it, rather i gain. (i use my “5.3” (quoted as i play realistic, real one is 6.0))
  2. Play in a 4.0 lineup, only including the m10 gmc, chaffee and m4a2. Despite the m4a2 not being spaded and not even having the M62(?) shell, i can take out one person before getting destroyed.
    • Before you ask, YES i flank with my chaffee, and YES it’s sucessful.
  3. If i become more confident, i could try going in only the m18? Idk.

If you have any tips or tricks, tell me! I am happy to change this as listening to you all did help me play better :)

Additionally, if anyone is wondering, this is how much more silver lions i got after 2 DAYS of playing, not weeks, DAYS!

For some context, i started out with ~12k (stated in first message(?))

Although quick question, seeing how the m40 was earlier called “better as an anti tank”, which ammo should i use for it? I can never seem to pen anything, so it could be my aim.

target the sides of tanks dont go head on against tiger2 /panthers tiger H you can pen the sides of the flat part of the frontal armor

Alright, but which ammo should i use? (Mk2, Default, etc)

for the tanks not the spaa although that spaa is actually mounted on a vietnam era tank hull so you have neutral steering that you can use to your advantage (also m41 is the tank that the hull is from)

So, should i use any ammo?

use aphe for tanks, for the spaa I honestly its only really good against light and sometimes medium tanks (from the side)

Alright, thank you!

To add don’t use apcr it’s borderline useless

honestly APCR isn’t that bad (in my experience)

Update: I just got the research for the M6A1 Complete! Should I:

A. Buy it but dont use it.
B. Buy it and use it.
C. Buy it to get the T1E1
D. None of the above

C t1e1 is much better and can actually reverse at a excellent speed, also go for the m41 once it get its apfsds it can one shot tigers from the side

It’s kinda dookie compared to the Shermans, cause the armour shape means you can’t angle it, and it still has weak armour pointed straight. A huge silhouette and pretty slow aswell. It’s like a glass cannon except with a very average cannon.

i would call myself a top player and one of my most beloved Deck is my T20 deck, so i played USA 5.7-6.3 a shit ton.

There is in general not real other advice then to “learn to play”. You say u get 0-1 kills per battle? Thats worse then a bot would do.

Yes the economie of the game is kinda trash, especially wihtout premium tanks and prem acc, but ofc it gets better when you perfom better, what a surprise…

But i can give you a quick rundown on your tanks, maybe that helps already.

M18, Fast, good flanker, killable by 50cal and is an absolute glass cannon, to perfom in it you need to know the maps, need to know where to go and where not to go. Not easy for beginners i guess.

M4s, Medioce mobility, bad reverse, up to 26kmh stabilised gun, okayish penetration. To perform you need to use your gun stabilisation, keep away from potential situation where u need to reverse and u need to know where you can pen the enemy and u can not affort to do a non penetration or misshot. Also barely enough armor to withstand 20mm fire, any tank gun will pen you 99% of the time, so dont get shot.
Also not so easy for beginners i would guess.

M36 Slugger, Good mobility, good gun, good reverse, killable by 50cal but better then m18.
Same issues as M18 but has a gun that has enough pen to kill every tank more reliable then the 76mm.
Also not easy for beginners i guess but better thanks to the gun.

The real and biggest impact u will have if you play with others together, let them explain you the basics, learn from them, the game is way to complex to find out everythink on your own. Also learn the enemy tanks, how fast they are, how much armor they have, how much reload, gun depression and so on… the more knowledge u have of the enemy the more you can use that to your advantage.

I made some progress at 6.0; starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel!

I quickly went back to 6.0 to see if all my work made a difference, and yes - it did!

Just this game, i got 10k silver lions! (totally not because i scouted everything, got a lucky kill and took over a zone ;)

I would like to thank EVERYONE now; I finally became not dogwater at 6.0!

I get 5k - 15k a game, which is more than i did when i re-entered 4.0, got actually good with my tanks AND even got balancer once!

Seeing how I gained skill, i probably will be closing this post if i can (idk if i can or how to if i can)

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As the first reply said, use your lineup as support, but I can offer some more advice for ya.

Playing Americans, play AROUND your team mates strengths and weaknesses. If you have an IS-2 on your team, use their armor to tank rounds while you provide fire and repair support. Not every enemy has to be a kill for you. Assists are very helpful for your team, since that means you helped to decrease the combat effectiveness of an enemy vehicle.

Thanks for the tips, but as i said in the reply before your, i dont really need more help, although i have a question:

do 100/110 spawn points on your furthest vehicle (in br) mean you’re in an uptier? I always find myself in games where my m18 costs 100 or 110 spawn points

The more the points to spawn in, the more of a down tier you’re in!

If your M4 needs 100 to spawn in, you’re in a max uptier. If it needs 150 to spawn in, its a full downtier!

Well, what if its ALWAYS at 100 and my hellcat is ALWAYS at 100 and 110? Do i need to feed the snail or do i just need to keep. on. trying,