i would call myself a top player and one of my most beloved Deck is my T20 deck, so i played USA 5.7-6.3 a shit ton.
There is in general not real other advice then to “learn to play”. You say u get 0-1 kills per battle? Thats worse then a bot would do.
Yes the economie of the game is kinda trash, especially wihtout premium tanks and prem acc, but ofc it gets better when you perfom better, what a surprise…
But i can give you a quick rundown on your tanks, maybe that helps already.
M18, Fast, good flanker, killable by 50cal and is an absolute glass cannon, to perfom in it you need to know the maps, need to know where to go and where not to go. Not easy for beginners i guess.
M4s, Medioce mobility, bad reverse, up to 26kmh stabilised gun, okayish penetration. To perform you need to use your gun stabilisation, keep away from potential situation where u need to reverse and u need to know where you can pen the enemy and u can not affort to do a non penetration or misshot. Also barely enough armor to withstand 20mm fire, any tank gun will pen you 99% of the time, so dont get shot.
Also not so easy for beginners i would guess.
M36 Slugger, Good mobility, good gun, good reverse, killable by 50cal but better then m18.
Same issues as M18 but has a gun that has enough pen to kill every tank more reliable then the 76mm.
Also not easy for beginners i guess but better thanks to the gun.
The real and biggest impact u will have if you play with others together, let them explain you the basics, learn from them, the game is way to complex to find out everythink on your own. Also learn the enemy tanks, how fast they are, how much armor they have, how much reload, gun depression and so on… the more knowledge u have of the enemy the more you can use that to your advantage.