Stalinium armor?

I am English and you haven’t said anything the OP hasn’t said, and he couldn’t make an adult based sales pitch of the Stalinium theory either.

Your prattle is just filibustering diatribe (look it up)

Like I said to the OP, Stalinium is a hard angle to sell to a laughing adult with a mocking sense of humour .

You really do look silly trying to pass off the notion off the Russian Government being involved in the fact that a T34 in a video game bounced a shot. You come across every bit as silly as the Op did.

We already reached an agreement that the game possibly has less than perfect physics for all nations. Then you come wading in with your bad attitude and lack of argument.

There is a saying. Never enter a battle of wits unarmed.


So you can’t even blame a language barrier for your lack of understanding. So what is your excuse?

What? You can’t even spell filibuster, and I seriously doubt you know what it means. You are in no position to tell other people to look things up.

Starting to think you were lying about being English tbh. Even a scouser would have a better grasp of the language.

You really need to start taking your own advice.

Not just rude to me but others as well.

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sorry my friend but this fits totally for you too, not rude only to me but to ‘‘slow hand clap’’ too


Only because you left your sense of humour at home. It was and is a silly suggestion and deserves a silly answer.

Your butthurt would be cushioned by a sense of humour.

Might be a personality development plan for you maybe?

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thank you for justifying my words

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Yeah Yawn and back around we go. Another egotistical kid who never got his bottom spanked.

My only crime was pushing you on your Stalinium statement.
you threw it out there and when I dragged you over the coals you had nothing.

Now that seems rude but study the outcome. A lesson. Don’t buy into ridiculous theories no matter how big they become unless you can explain it and make it work to the unbeliever. Secondly, never look for a conspiracy where incompetence is more likely.

How many WTF moments do you think I have had playing as Russia?

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You two comments ago:

No one cares about your personal experiences when you’ve demonstrated in this thread you can barely read or write.

eah Yawn and back around we go. Another egotistical kid who never got his bottom spanked.

Me a kid…? i wish i were again… lol
As far as i can see im not the only one here that supports or has thoughts about ‘‘stalinium armor’’
and i have talked only about ‘‘stalinium armor’’ the conspiracy theories about KGB and etc are your words as ‘‘slow hand clap’’ confirmed before.
In addition, as long as you feel satisfied believing that you gave me a lesson i have no problem with that …lol
Finally i would rather want to know how many WTF moments you had playing against Russian tanks…

You had your ass kicked now you think you can come creeping back with support.Sadly both of you are flogging a dead horse.

You brought nothing to this.

Had his ass kicked? By who? No one has made a single convincing point against what he’s said.

Eddie decided to go full pants-on-head mode and pretend he was a conspiracy theorist, who believes the KGB are running WT.

Everyone else has basically said ‘it happens to everyone’.

You need to have your head in the sand to not see how the kamovs/frogfoots have a damage model that defies all logic. I say that as a Brit main who actually put their money where their mouth is, and converted to playing Russia. Now I get to enjoy WT on easy-mode.

Unbelievably ironic.

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Yeah like I said.Eddie what’s his name laughed at the laughable that is it.It is a stupid notion.

Are you his alt or something? Or is it just a coincidence that when that imbecile stopped posting you started?

You really do love the conspiracy theory.

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I have no pretension, I’ll tell it from one Brit man to another you are talking bollocks.Now cry off to the moderators.

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You say it’s a conspiracy theory, but you’re clearly an alt account:

You have also demonstrated a similar intellect level to Eddie. So it isn’t the craziest idea that you’re an alt of theirs.

Feel free to keep making a laughing stock of yourself though.

Who gives a fuck ,any account can tell somebody they are talking out of their backside

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He is not and you have still presented no argument.

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Again I have to explain myself to a goon.

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