if you think the interview to the chief designer of VT5 is not evidence, which means "no one knows VT5 better than you "? lol
But when it comes to russian tanks, somehow random websites become solid evidence.
That is the exact opposite of what you said though, you said:
“Oh, and tracks weigh the same no matter the tank design.”
And i said:
“Again, no, highly depends on how the track is designed and the material used.”
How are these even remotely the same argument? they are in stark contrast to one another.
And no comment on the rest of my disagreements?
specific designs can do a lot of job. if as you say, then OBJ.432 shouldn’t have the armor better than a T-34. after all, the things except armor all have weights, and they are just similar in weights
Prove that the VT5 is correct.
How is picking the VT5 is wrong side the opposing side?
but,it can’t even withstand heavy machine gun fire,it only has 4-5mm and 15mm side armor,frontal lower armor only 10-15mm is impossible,
Thank you. Finally a post that treats me with respect.
I appreciate your perspective, sir!
Thank you for your concerns and opinions. I appreciate you and your post.
As I said previously, I’d love to see evidence of this being incorrect.
btw, the 《兵器》and 《现代兵器》 they are journals published by different research institutes under China North Industries Group Corporation Limited. If you consider the content released by research institutes under the parent company of the VT5 manufacturer to be unreliable, then I suggest you buy one yourself.
People have shown evidence to back their claims however you haven’t shown any evidence for proving your stance.
My stance: VT5 is potentially incorrect. Could people help me find evidence of this?
They have already shown you multiple evidence
No, I stated my evidence requirements in my original posts.
I said interviews are not helpful, and requirements are not helpful.
I can’t change those standards for one specific vehicle just cause I like it more than any German tank.
I’ll read the interview, and take it seriously for what it is.
I just want to KNOW something, not believe it based on the testimony of others.
no one knows VT5 better than someone, not even VT5 itself
give a reason. I think it’s as real as brochures
especially from its chief designer
Ah yes. Big difference. Either grind for 81days minimum or pay GE. Its essentially a premium with worse rewards
Not to mention the gun elevation problem. So Gaijin thinks they bent the gun past the elevation lock to 20+ degrees? Absolutely hilarious.
hey friends the issue about the elevation is accepted,that is a good start