Squadron Vehicles: VT5

the turret remains same, add-on applique armor only in hull front and side



There is two variants of armor for the ZTQ-15, heavy armor variant has FY-5 ERA on the turret and hull front.

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He provided a document that could be making claims with the applique/ER armor attached, claims are not evidence.

It’s clearly on the turret as well.

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That’s FY-5 ERA.

Ah ok, fair enough ig. There isn’t really a 10.7 lineup tho.

Almost as if I said ER armor… wow.

It’s ZTZ-15, another different tank. and it has no composite armor behind ERA but large angle steels
and you can see the heavy armored one’s turret remains same


you can also research and buy tech tree vehicles right away with GE. do they also qualify as a premium or half premium?


This is an interview with the designer of the VT-5, the requirement is for the tank to stop 100mm AP rounds, the document states that the basic and uparmored variant reaches this requirement.
The current issue is that the basic variant’s turret armor cannot stop 100mm AP.

There is no difference in turret armor between the variants, only the hull and side armor.


early version VT-5 has a different turret but still no ERA on turret.


This doesn’t make sense as steel is an iron-carbon alloy and has different density based on carbon content and manufacturing technique. Not only that but it’s very rarely pure steel that is used in practical applications, it’s almost always steel alloys containing differing amounts of other metals which also effect density.

Again, no, highly depends on how the track is designed and the material used.

No. And i’m highly confused as to how you got to this conclusion.


Interviews aren’t evidence.
And requirements are expectations, not evidence.

F-14 was required to have 9000kg of fuel stored internally, it has 7200kg of fuel stored internally.

Not only all of that, but it’s a light tank. I was never expecting even Leopard 1 levels of protection because it’s a light tank, not some condensed MBT with poor crew comfort weighing 43+ tons.

Type 15 [and VT5] is among my favorite light tanks in the world, and this Undertale-like fanbase is not being tactful with their statements, nor welcoming to those that love the vehicle more than they do.
All because I brought up valid concerns.

Also thanks to @Necronomica for agreeing with me on tracks and other sticky to change systems.
And I’m glad to see 3 others agree with myself and Necronomica.

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No VT-5 ever used ERA on the turret as far as I’m aware. Even the latest one with APS lacks ERA on the turret.


protect 100 MM AP not the HEAT



How do you get “agreeing” from “No” ?
I’m highly confused and would love for you to expand on that comment.


Did you miss the part where the designer clearly said that the requirements were met?


Cause you said the same thing I did.

Though you were more specific because I typed my response while I was eating.

@EnglishTeaKett1e Again, interviews aren’t evidence.
Not my belief, that’s just a fact to accept.

Also thanks to Necronomica for agreeing with me on tracks and other sticky to change systems.
And I’m glad to see 3 others agree with myself and Necronomica

Pretty sure Necronomica was arguing against your points, additionally just because the VT-5 is your favourite vehicle doesn’t mean your points are anymore valid than others stated here.

You are so good at ragebaiting that it actually does impress me, show me your ways and how to achieve this level of greatness. I might employ your tactics on the Russian SU-27 thread and why it should actually be moved up to 14.7.


Wtv do you mean?
I have no clue…
Do you perhaps see something i dont?