Squadron Vehicles: VT5

Is the description in the dvr correct? Can it only withstand heavy machine gun fire?

No lol

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The scientific method was hammered into my head at a young age, and my standards for evidence are video, photo* [to an extent], official documentation where relevant.

In the case of armor, I’d prefer official documentation. Schematics are my love and joy in that realm, BUT if classified obvious no one should give it to me.
I’d take video/photos of the armor thickness.
I’d compromise for legally allowed unclassified government documents.

At no point did I argue anything other than existing light tank masses as a concern to find evidence that VT5 is more armored than in-game.

I personally do not care if it gets buffed or not, BUT I will never object to vehicles getting corrected and endorse those attempted to correct vehicles.

At no point did I argue its armor was correct, and I still DO NOT argue that its armor is correct; All I want is information and clarity.

I did a poor job typing that initially, that’s my bad. I was eating pizza and being reckless in my posts.

@南京航空航天大学 Apologies for misunderstandings between us, all I came here for was information seeking, not argument.


I can understand a little cantonese but almost nobody here can speak a word of mandarin let alone read it. Do you have any translations?

You’re right. I hope you get what you want. It’s late in China. I’m going to bed. I hope you get what you want

well, in this case, it’s not so easy. even advertising brochure are half classified, and only provided to potential customers.


sorry about my words before, what i want to say is that it is impossible for the Chinese tank to get unclassified government documents , unless leak like VT4. Many Chinese vehicles in War Thunder are deduced based on open-source intelligence. If multiple open sources corroborate each other, then the information is likely to be accurate. In most cases, this method can be used to determine which information is reliable and which is false.


Based on these two articles, it is not difficult to deduce that thanks to the latest armor technology, the 36-ton VT5 can withstand 100mm AP rounds on its hull when additional armor is applied, while the turret can block them with just the basic armor. It should be noted that the hull’s ability to resist 100mm AP rounds does not mean the entire hull is fully protected—only the areas with added armor are. As for the 33-ton standard version, or the Bangladeshi version, its turret’s main armor area is relatively small, and modern composite armor can easily defend against full-caliber rounds like the BR412D. This design approach is very characteristic of the East Asian style (as seen in South Korea’s K2 tank and Japan’s Type 10 tank), where ensuring sufficient protection in key areas allows for significant weight savings.Furthermore, based on photos of the hull in the production factory and by referring to other Chinese vehicles equipped with additional armor, I believe that the additional armor blocks on the hull of the Bangladeshi version can withstand 30mm autocannon armor-piercing rounds (3UBR6).


we all hope china is finally able to get a vehicle properly modelled, I understand that with all the opsec involved being able to get good info for the vehicles is harder than usual, but for the vt-5 it should be kind of ‘easy’, lots of detailed videos showing lots of info, hope gaijing is able to fix all the issues involved with this tank before the release.

but in any case China will grow larger


This is literally the VT4-A1 but better, not gonna lie, a nice vehicle, even better as Squadron.

And that’s different form the time required for an ordinary tech tree vehicle how? Have you that little patience? You can even research it while playing an entirely different tree, and simultaneously with a tech tree vehicle! It’s only yourself that’s making it a premium if you GE accelerate the research, you could make that exact argument for any TT vehicle!

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thats 81 days if you get the full 20k every 3 days. Anyone with a life will have some issues getting a high tier squadron vehicle within a reasonable timeframe…

tech tree vehicles can be researched way quicker as you arent capped to 20k research every 3 days 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯

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When will the tech tree variant be available?

This is the only one I will accept as not being a J-11B devblog

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So what?

Again so what? This is research additional to that which you are doing for your preferred tech tree vehicle - it is literally free research.

Are you going to turn it off or what?

Great counterargument. Truly made me change opinion on the matter. 20k rp is like 2 matches worth and you get that every 3 days. (if you have enough time to actually play so you get that 20k every 3 days)

Its essentially nothing

Im not gonna turn it off but i certainly wish it was turned off OR i wish they would remove the 20k limit so you actually can get decently compensated for your time.

Hi, here is something you might be interested in:

The Japanese Type 10 MBT weighs 44 tons(Basic Armor Package) and 48 tons when using an additional armor pack. In the game, it achieves around 600mm of protection against kinetic ammunition. Type 10 is 9.42 meters in length, 3.24 meters in width, and 2.3 meters in height.

Let’s use Leo 2 A4 as a comparison. Leo2a4 is 7.69 meters in length, 3.7 meters in width, and 2.79 meters in height. So it’s taller and a little beefy than Type 10, but has less length. In-game leo2a4 has 300mm of protection against kinetic ammo in the hull and around 440 mm in the turret. And it weighs 62 tons! So how come Type 10 achieves superior protection while having MUCH LESS weight than the Leo2a4?

The truth is, advanced technology and modified armor layouts can achieve a balance between weight and protection. You used Type 16 as an example. First of all, Type 16 is only 26 tons and roughly the same size as VT5. And it has one more crew.

In my opinion, only using weight as a metric in terms of protection is somewhat subjective. People Liberation Army has a strict rule when naming a piece of equipment. Type 62 is defined as a Light Tank(LT) in PLA. VT5, which is the export variant of ZTQ15, is defined as a light-weight Main Battle Tank by the PLA army. (Z stans for Main Battle, T stands for Tank and Q stands for light weight). It is supposed to carry out the same mission as the ZTZ series under the scenario where ZTZ99A lacks mobility. And these missions can not be fulfilled without a certain amount of armor.

I am sure others have sent you evidence of VT5’s protection. The VT5’s designer stated that it is capable of withstanding firepower from GEN I and II MBTs.


You have the incorrect stats for Leopard 2 and Type 10. Type 10 is shorter both in height and length.
The Type 10 was designed around an autoloader, so it has significantly less armor volume than Leopard 2.

If type 10 has significantly less armor volume that leo2 a4 , how come it has 600 mm protection against kinetic rounds in the game? Technology does matter man


Even Type 10 is smaller in size, it is still a MBT, and it weighs only 44 tons(40 tons when in transport mode). Leo2 weigh 18 tons more and achieve worse protection, which proving that size and weight are not the only metrics in terms of protection