Squadron Vehicles: VT5

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add one more poing to the statement
type 16 weight 26 tons, TAM-2C weight 30.5 tons
why would anyone compare them to VT5 which is a tank weight 33 toms

Yes, wheels weigh tons less than track systems.
Water makes things wet.

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it’s designed to against old type tanks, it’s turret armor should be able to hold old type ammos from 100/105mm gun.




I mean T-44 weight 31 tons yk
and it has better protection
and “guy” saying a tank that is from 2015 has worse protection than WW2/Post WW2 tank


Protection priorities change?


The entire tank is just wrong


Designed to go against =/= armored to defeat rounds.

T-44 is smaller, smaller turret and gun.
Oh, and VT5 has superior turret protection.

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so you didn’t read, this interview of its designer, says it can defeat old type 100/105mm rounds


It can defeat HEAT, so that’s a likelihood.

2A7V weighs less than Tiger II (H) but has better protection.
Your point ?

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兵器+2017年01期 - 道客巴巴 和另外 15 个页面 - 个人 - Microsoft​ Edge 2025_3_13 3_08_56
The translation is “穿甲弹,” which is armor-piercing.
HEAT would be "破甲弹“
So no, it is AP not HEAT.


AP shells not heat, the least should be BR412

2015 Tank vs 1944s tank(VT-5 vs T44)
your point?
regardless its just two words summarize
“Incorrect Implementation”

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Hmm another Chinese squidron vehicle, I guess once I’m done with the Sukhoi Su-33 I’ll switch over to this little beast & so have another machine to fill in a lineup made up of premium/ event machines.

Hmm a Bangladesh machine at that, well that’ll go nice alongside the Bangladeshi Type 69 & the export Q-5 both of which have Bangladesh markings.

Say Good Question, But when will we ever see another squidron ship? The last one was the Volksmarine SKR Karl Marx Project 50 Sentry Ship & that was added three years ago now meanwhile these past few updates have had constant streams of AFV’s, fix wing aircraft & a couple rotorwing aircraft mixed in.

What BR is it? My guess would be 10.3/10.7.

There is no evidence of any light tank on the planet of 30 tons or less resisting such rounds with their standard armor, let alone things as large as VT5, TAM, etc. TAM is also slightly smaller by 1 foot in height and 3 feet in length.

There could be something for the Type 15 itself, as that is pictured with add-on applique/ER armor that increases its mass to ~36 tons allegedly. That applique/ER armor could potentially resist old AP rounds.

I just can’t see it for the armor itself.

There is no evidence

But… Didn’t he just provide evidence?

I love you Alvis, you genuinely are the best ragebaiter here