Squadron Vehicles: VT5

Lmao no mention of spall liners as well


But this is not a reconnaissance vehicle. I have enough evidence that its protection is at least capable of withstanding 30mm rapid-fire gun fire. But Gaijin will only copy their ridiculous answers.


Thats the thing, every modern china tank is missing spall liners, its like they are only going to add it once and never ever


Good luck with the armor. Gaijin has yet to fix the armor on the MK.IV which can also withstand 30mm apfsds yet we haven’t seen a single fix to the vehicle since it was reported on the dev a few months back…

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They are never going to fix it, every will get the Merkavas treatment at one point(except russian tank)


Its so amazing seeing how long bug reports sit in limbo


Love to see it.

Hope we get ZTQ15 in the TT as well (ideally alongside the other VT5 version in the files)


Bro,The data given by this tank Gaijin can only be described as ridiculous, a 33-ton tank can only resist heavy machine guns, and there is a lot of evidence that the VT5 and ZTQ15 frontal can resist the ZTZ59’s 100mm full-caliber ammunition, and if we follow Gaijin’s data, we will get a very ridiculous data, as shown in the picture, the neck of this Chinese tanker is less than two centimeters thick. And there is a lot of evidence to prove that its hanging basket is not modeled correctly, and Gaijin chose to lie to himself by covering his eyes and covering his eyes.


I love the VT-5/Type 15 series of light tanks. They are among my favorite.

However, I do have concerns:
Turrets and powerpacks weigh a lot.
33 tons is typically correct for this armor array.
Go see Type 16, TAM-2C, etc.

You can’t escape physics.

So is there anything that can prove things?
Cause I obviously wouldn’t object to my light tank getting a buff.

Interviews aren’t evidence though, and neither are program requirements.

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ok dude

they are different tank, with different design, with different autoloader(structurally-TAM doesnt even have an autoloader), different country, different operating styles, different ideology
and Type 16 and Tam can resist 12.7mm
and if i recall T-44 is 31 Tons bro
Like comeon dude


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Type 16 is wheeled vehicle and much larger.
TAM is quite different structure. and somehow has a little better protection.
it’s more about basic designs, add enough armor for this kind of small(compared to MBT) vehicle won’t weight too much.
and all sources suggests it’s designed to against auto cannons.


Guys, if you want to discuss, please focus on vehicle, not on each other.
And I do not want to see any racist comments here. Authors of such posts will go straight to ban hell.


and heat ammuntion



I can admit there isn’t enough space for it to defend HEAT shells in it’s hull armor, that’s why there is additional armor, but turret composite armor filled with air? I don’t think so.

or VT-1, Al-Khalid specifically refer to only Pakistan MBT2000

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Additional armor is ERA and Composite block
and as for the turret it has the most resistances, likely 105mm apfsds
The thing is that, i dont get where and what sources gaijin got because the armor is absurd for a 33 tons tank, this is basically Ariete but light tank version or the entire thing is a huge languages barrier

Steel has similar density no matter the country that produces it.
Oh, and tracks have a sticky mass based on length and weight class of the intended vehicle.
Tracks/suspension, hull, powerpack, turret, gun, ammo, fuel all have sticky masses tied to length.
The armor array of Abrams weighs less than 20 tons, the rest is in tracks, basic hull, turret, gun, powerpack, etc.
Steel weighs A LOT, of course a 33 light tank won’t resist much more than autocannons or HEAT.

Oh look, HEAT protection.

Tracks/suspension, hull, powerpack, turret, gun, ammo, fuel all have static masses.
Oh would you look at that, it’s designed against auto-cannons.

The lower front plate is typically ignored in light tank design. Tank designers tend to ignore it cause munitions tend to target the turret most, it’s “the first thing enemies see” as said by thousands of military experts.

You’d have to prove that that the tank designer changed their mentality for this tank.
Not even the 40 ton M10 Booker has a protected LFP though.

I am here requesting information, and seeking clarity; NOT to argue any position.


Why did Gaijin decide to write its name as VT5 instead of VT-5. VT-5 is the accurate designation


It’s as correct as any other correct translation.
ZTZxx are written the same in WT.