Squadron vehicles: T-90 Bhishma

I’m sure it has gaps, I was thinking between the whole host of different vehicles, many of which are operated by all nations, you could basically get a slightly different China as a nation. Just call it the South East Asian nation, and have entries from the ASEAN countries, India, Pakistan, and some of the filler in the Chinese tree like the Bangladeshi T-69.

They may not have military connections, but India has always sought to be a non-aligned nation. By those standards, it makes even less sense to put them in the UK tree.

India doesn’t have good chances looking forward either. In the absence of a low tier base like WW2 and Korea era vehicles, the remaining appeal is a modern AFV industry that has already put out viable indigenous designs and has a future roadmap.
But India doesn’t even have that.
Israel’s industries have been making indigenous and unique AFVs since 1979-1980.
India could start even later than Israel, but it doesn’t even have a recent pool of vehicles to draw from - only future ones, really, and their future roadmap doesn’t seem to have solidified yet.

But if it does ever come, I’d say it’s best to either put a line in some other nation and transfer it later to India’s tree, or avoid adding Indian vehicles altogether. The Merkava thing was a scam. I paid for an event Mark 1 the price of a top tier premium because Gaijin said they have no plans for an Israel tree.