Squadron Vehicles: F-5E FCU

The T-34 SPAA is made in China and gifted to Vietnam, so in reality, it is a Chinese vehicle, just only used by Vietnam


While adding these vehicles, you should ensure that each country’s equipment remains unique, otherwise there will be another disaster like Leopard 2, which is absolutely unacceptable

Well in fairness Japan and Germany had very different responses following the war. For Germany, the role in committing atrocities was made very clear to the population and has since become culturally ingrained. In the present day, every other European country views Germany positively, despite their past.

For Japan, the opposite happened; their role in atrocities was supressed, Japanese historians trying to make light of their nation’s shameful actions were persecuted, and any textbooks that went outside of the established narrative were disposed of. Things are changing as the older generation who perpetuated this narrative dies off but even today, apologies to countries like Korea and China have basically amounted to “Were sorry that happened to you” and so the animosity towards Japan by other Asian countries still persists.


You are not going to believe how happy I was when I heard the news. As both Thai and a long time War Thunder player, it’s quite surreal to finally see Thai vehicles in the game I am so in love with. Thanks for your hard work! ขอบคุณมากครับ!



The Thai F-5E FCU is a squadron vehicle.

Just as the Swiss Hunter F.Mk.58 was for Germany, but that doesn’t automatically mean the door is wide open for other Swiss vehicles to go to Germany (or we’d have Swiss Mirages, Tiger II’s, Venoms, Vampires, Mustangs, etc. in Germany too…), so it also doesn’t mean that all vehicles used by Thailand should also end up in the Japanese tree…

I would certainly be up for Thai inclusions in the tech trees but don’t think an F-16 or Gripen should be prioritised for some time. Instead it should be focused on closing the gap in the early postwar lineups when Japan was effectively demilitarised, and especially the lack of attackers which are non-existent or tagged as fighters.

Mr Gaijin, how about that A-37 or OV-10C…

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To be honest, I would love to know the inner working of getting each vehicle into the game. Like, do the Gaijin staff contact the nations or their armed forces representatives before adding the nations’ vehicles into the game? Because Thailand right now is working on her soft power and might love to collaborate with Gaijin in that aspect.

Bruh, that little thing is improvised by the Vietnamese, not even existed in China.

really? maybe I remember wrong
however, it can be confirmed that China has a dual barrel 37MM anti-aircraft gun based on the Type 62 body, which is similar in positioning to the T-34 SPAA. I think Gaijin chose type 65 because they can copy and paste the existing T-34 body

The idea behind it is to deal with low-flying heli, the C-130 back then since the 37mm back then is good enough and still had plenty of T-34 hulls.
The Chinese version of it is Type 63. Their turret has slitghtly different shape.


Nice plane, but I was waiting for F-5EM from Braziliam Air Force with Python 3 / 4 and radar Derby.

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The F-5E FCU is copy/paste in name only.
It’s like saying the F-16C is a copy paste F-16A.
The F-5E FCU has access to some really good kit that no other F-5 will have. AIM-9P-4s and Pythons are some really solid missiles on top of a very good airframe. If this thing sits at 11.7 it’ll be super fun.

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Is this the BR where they needed this though?

I don’t think the Thais want the Chinese to remember the history of Thailand’s invasion of southern China

In my view in the biggest Chinese reddit-like community, Tieba, the most reason i saw is for Japan Stealing the Chinese export vehicles which China haven’t received, or afraid Japan TT get the much better varient than China TT like Strv 122B and Leo 2A5.
Especially for the VT-4, so you could see there’s no any Chinese exported vehicles in the new forum suggestion post as the op choose domesitc modify or Ukraine export vehicles.
In fact, we could see many players dont want their vehicles seen in other country TTs, which could be easily found in the post about Swedish Tiger II

Cool part is Japan tried to design their own Gripen lol was called the FS-X. Though they never went out to build it as it was too expensive. Cool to see though.



I truly welcome the F-5E FCU.

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Well China already has VT-4, so that’s not possible.

FS-X was the project, which had quite a few interesting designs, of an Multirole fighter meant to replace the F-1; the F-2 was the final result.


In fact i wonder if Thai T-84BM could use Chinese shell or not