Squadron Vehicles: F-5E FCU

Smin states the following, though I take both with a small grain of salt; the Thai F-5 might just be an experiment to test how well a potential Thai sub-TT would be accepted.


I see
At least I like this subtree idea. I wonder to what extent they will add thailand vehicles to JP … I look forward to the future.


I would expect nothing less than 11.3 (taking the Kfir C7 with its x4 pythons) but I expect it to be close to the F-20 so I wouldn’t be surprised to see 11.3-12.0 range. I just want to know if is receiving that logic in game, if the P4’s only new feature is all aspect seekers I don’t see myself playing it as much as I have the F-5E. Although I have got to say I wish it was an F-5G finding its way into the game so I could play one of my all-time favorites that isn’t locked behind a $120 paywall.

Cool, when is Sweden gonna get an Air Squadron vehicle?


Such a pointless addition at that point, imagine finally having good CAS options for Japan finally but instead it goes to the place it’s not needed and it’s just more copy paste stuff.

Japan had to wait over a decade on one… so for Sweden probably after 2030.

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I just wanted to understand the hatred for the addition of a vehicle that is necessary for Japan, where it is a nation with many gaps between the BRs, with lack of CAS in the higher BRs (years waiting for a decent AA to counter the CAS dominance of other nations).
I believe that adding a Thai sub tree will be very beneficial and possibly bring more Main Japan players (like me)


tier 6 for example only has 3 vehicles and tier 7 only has one phantom. Thai sub-tree would bring more variety (I don’t want an ej kai in 12.3 with AAM3)

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Thanks for the information.

As others here have said, Thailand (then Siam) was an ally of Japan in ww2.

Japan built them ships (such as HMS Thonburi), and other vehicles.

So there is a significant military connection, it’s just not as significant these days.


not only that, Thailand also the axis country that helped in Japan invasion and without any consequence. But I really don’t want to see Thai stt starting from 1.0, one type 95 already enough

Well, nice info there.

But when will people things of this game as a game and not some propaganda display? ^^"

I mean it’s the same with South Korea that could have been to Japan aswell

AIM-9P4 are basically 9L seeker, and 9J everything else.

It may be hard to imagine, but Thailand chose to side with Japan in WW2. So for once, there really isn’t a big reason for them to have lingering animosity.


Funnily enough, just yesterday I stumbled over a little news bit on NHK (an American/Japanese TV channel) where the export conditions for Japanese’s 6th generation F-X was the topic. Didn’t hear enough though…

In that side of history → Koreans were used within Japanese Imperial Army to fight off chinese and Russian in the north of Mandchuria

considering that a single Korean Drafted soldier, fight for each Japanese, Russian then German armies within WWII - named Yang Kyoungjong -
We can even consider that Korea was on both side of the war ^^"

(Somehow someone is spamming reports at me,… and it seems like freedom of speach over history is violating someone?)

Not only Koreans,Japanese recruited Taiwanese,mainland Chinese,Burmese,Indians,Mongols,Manchurian in the war.but none of these people has a independent government like thailand,they are from Japanese/British colony or occupied area.

A lot of the negativity seems to be around the idea that Japan and Thailand have no military connections in the modern era, only the WW2 period But this is not true, especially as the politics have evolved in recent years.

Its low key but Japan and Thailand do have modern military ties. In 2022 they signed an agreement for closer cooperation.

The export of Japanese military equipment is not banned, simply restricted albeit with wider categories and tighter regulations than many.


Also happening recently is that Japan has initiated military industrial projects outside of the normal US channels for the first in many years.

So whilst the Thai F-5 may seem an odd choice it actually has more basis for inclusion than some much debated game content added in recent times.



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Thailand also had AV-8S F-16MLU Gripen-C which mean japan will join the Gripen gang soon?
Best choice to fill japan lack of CAS