Squadron vehicles and progression: how?

How long does it take to unlock a squadron vehicle? And, referring to the image attached, if I understand it right, I will receive 1080 whatever-points for the 3-day-period. There are still missing 450k of whatever-points to unlock the next vehicle - so if I gain ca. 1k whatever-points every 3-day-period (?), I will have to play regularly for the next 1350 days to unlock?


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Join a more active squadron. Your points are based on your activity AND everyone else’s as a collective in your squadron. There’s plenty of active squads that are for getting the squadron vehicles.

It clearly explains it at the bottom of your picture.

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It also depends on size of clan and how many active players it has.

I joined one purely for grinding and I get around 20k experience per 3 days.

Still not the fastest but ita not like those vehicles are centrepiece to any lineup of mine.

I think you can also go even higher than 20k a day but it requires more active people.

No, it does not. It only refers to my activity and the ratio of my activity to activity of the squad. But thanks for trying.

Do I get the numbers right? “Activity reward” means here, that I get 1080 points for the squad vehicle? Where does the “9720” come from? What is the percentage in “squadron activity”? I dont get it.

When Squadron Vehicles where first introduced, it was 25,000 points every 3 days now its capped at 20,000 as long as you match or exceed your Squadrons average, again you will have to have an active Squadron to fully benefit.


Your Squadron needs to be more active, its not you, its your squadron.

As you can see your squadrons contribution is only 11%

@BramborovySalat is correct

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Yeah well, then it is as you say, 20k a day.

I just dont actively track the research on squadron vehicles, once the message that i researched one popsnup, i select the next one.

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yeah unfortunately i know, as I’ve done all mine and my contribution is just going into the neather.



press F for homie

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I’ve just calculated how long it would take to get all the squad vehicles.
You need 9,575,000 points for all vehicles! For this you need about 479 x 20,000 points.
You get 20,000 points every three days with full deployment. That’s 1436 days rounded up …
Can anyone confirm this? I tend to miscalculate or overlook something.


no idea i know it took a long ass time, thats for sure

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With the maximum of 20k points every 3 days, you need about 3 weeks for a low BR vehicle like the Firecrest or 11 weeks for a high BR vehicle like the Leopard. It took me about 4.5 years to get all 21 vehicles because we started as a small 1000 pts squad and needed 2 years to grow to a 20k pts squad. Now it is possible to get all the vehicles within 3 years.

You are wrong. If you have at least the average activity of your squad, you get the full points that result from the squad’s total activity. My squad with 90+ active players normally earns the full 20k vehicle points. Our country is on summer vacation right now, so some players are vacationing abroad and don´t play, so we don’t get the full activity points, but only 17k-19k (which ist still way more than your squads 5 active members can get). When our squad still had few active members, we got significantly fewer points with full activity, as is the case with your squad now.

My squad was only founded to grind vehicle points. Inactive players are sorted out every few weeks. Although it’s a German-speaking squad, players who speak other languages ​​are welcome, as long as they just play actively. I’ll invite you if you want.

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I am not wrong. Just read the text in the screenshot and compare what he said. The text in the screenshot does not state anything what he said.

But thx for you answering. I still dont get how the numbers work and why gaijin should want players to play in anonymous squadrons rather than playing with their friends.

You mean, you are german?

9720 points mean, there is 27 people in your squadron (27 players x 360 points)
but even if there is 128 people then 128 x 360 = only 20000 points ;)
If you are looking for more active squadron you have to look at the squadron activity points around 200k or more.

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you don’t get the number and how it works (you’ve admitted this), yet when people advise you of the issue, which is that your squadron is not active enough, you dismiss??

please understand that we are here to help, and we have given you the correct information


Yeah squad vehicle research is ass

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I what?

You said this: “As you can see your squadrons contribution is only 11%” But how is this number of 11% caculated?

Weavis (first answer in this thread) said: “It clearly explains it at the bottom of your picture.” But the screenshot DOES NOT explain it. It only says that my contribution to the totals changes how many points I earn.

But thanks to ItzzWar and superbuster I do now understand it. It means that I have to leave my friends squadron and join an anonymous one just to accelerate the process of unlocking the squadron vehicles.

And even then it will take months to unlock a single high br vehicle like Leopard 2 PL. Is there a vehicle that is worth it?

If the squadron maximum activity reward is 9720 points, then 11% is 1069 points.
But there is 1080, so the exact squadron activity must be 11,11% (if 9720 = 100%, then 1080 = 11,11 %)


Same outcome as we have been advising you.

20,000 every 3 days, if the average squadron vehicle is 400,000 then it will take 60 days per vehicle at that level

As long as your squadron meets 20,000 points and you meet or exceed this, then that’s all what is required, if you active and your squadron is not, you need to find an active Squadron, to maximise your Points, its that simple.

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You mean, 20k every 3 days, so it would at least be 60 days for a 400k vehicle, not 20.

So if I wanted to accelerate the progression towards the Leopard 2 PL (450k still missing), I had to join a squadron with high activity and then play for at least 75 days to get the points. Much better than playing for more than 4 years…but since there is no interaction needed in the squadron, what’s the point of gaijin of punishing small squadrons with people, who actually are friends or playing together?