SPIKE-LR & Others

Something what requires to rewrite some value in the config files can be fixed easily, however fixing the flight trajectory of missiles is a different matter.

My take is that WT is based on the old IL2 engine where noone ever envisioned that it would support modern weaponary like missiles so engine does not really support that.
Fixing something like that might require modification of game engine, which Gaijind don’t want to do either it would might break many other things or they are unwilling to sink many manhours into it, or both.

In the game files there are values which corresponds with the top attack parrameters but it seems that engine ignores those once missile is without power and gliding towards a target.

Also we can establish that engine does not take in account orientation of the missile when calculating direction of the HEAT explosion. Initial position of the missile is used instead so only way how to achieve top attack hit is to launch form higher elevation then a target.


I had 4 PARS hit a pantsir yesterday, all damaged it, no kill.
Not much else I can do about it.

How high am I supposed to go…? Good luck with doing that when a pantsir can lock and launch you as soon as you spawn. Good luck when a Su-34 lock you as soon as you takeoff, launches their FnF IOG IR missile, and it reaches you in seconds. (these have 0 issue top-attacking and 0 issue killing anything)

If its impossible with the current engine, I’d suggest giving more missiles, even though it’s not “historically accurate.” The entire point to limiting Spikes, PARS initially is that they were “overpowered,” this is so obviously not the case anymore. If the flight trajectory can’t be accurate, why should my weapon loadout be?

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all heli atgms do this.

Hellfires have the same issue where they come towards the target lobbing downward instead of coming from above like it’s should
It’s extremely noticable

For me the most pressing issue spikes and pars have is that they sometimes target components outside of the hull, like aa machineguns and commander sights which do no damage and sometimes lead to ricochets.
Also targeting engines/tracks/transmission in large targets like the pantsir or ito don’t kill the target and lead to wasting 5 pars for 1 target.
In my opinion if gaijin would remove those components from the targeting preset or only target crew you would see many more kills.
Could that be something like a bug report or would it be a suggestion?
And in many ways it would be a lot more realistic, as every IR guided munition has either man in the loop targeting to attack weak points (spike) or are automatically programmed to do so (pars).


I guess you could submit one on that, but it would probably fall under the other reports sitting there for its flight pattern fixes.
I think they’ve said before that they aren’t going to add the man-in-the-middle targeting option under “too OP” so a report/suggestion wouldn’t do much there.

This is my main gripe with PARS/Spikes, all it takes to buff them is by making them ignore machine guns/cupolas/breaches and transmissions, with the latter being the most annoying one to deal with as PARS ignore guns/crew and ALWAYS targets transmissions in Pantsir which leads to having to dump 5 or more missiles to take them out.