Britain Air Forces

Im pretty sure they did well at least for the Americans

Problem with the Gripen for uk is it can only be a C or D which can’t use SARHs and would need a fictional loadout

I expect it to have a high AoA ability given the delta and canard set up (see Kfir C.7 and 14G pulls) but will bleed speed out of it’s ass and become a brick thanks to it’s low thrust.

F-16s, especially the A models, will continue to dominate both in the 1v1 sense and ARB. A Hornet would only cement the meta towards the Allied side.

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F/A-18Cs were retrofitted with JHMCS (not sure about the Ds) so it would be able to take advantage of helmet cueing, similar to the F-16C.

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It should be somewhat of a cross between a J7E and Mirage 2000, it has a lower T/W than the 2K but has close coupled canards which deflect air and in very simple terms, reduce subsonic drag and improve energy retention. That’s IRL, I have no idea how that translates to war thunder.

I’d argue the Gripen is very underrated. Sure some Gripen fans are a bit unreasonable, but they’re no better than the armchair experts on here that will only look at the ‘Thrust To Weight ratio’ and disregard the Gripen when comparing to the F16. There are plenty other factors that matters just as much.

Here’s an excerpt from a former Flight engineer working on the gripen;

Gripen has much lower drag and far lower wing load. The transonic area is much narrower for the Gripen and it can reach supersonic speeds on dry thrust while carrying a full A2A armament and an external fuel tank even for the A version even if it is just on the limit (Mach 1.1) Gripen E Mach 1.2. Even though the Gripen in some aspects lacks the TWR of the F-16 it can match or nearly match the climb rate thanks to low drag.

The T/W ration might not be impressive on the Gripen but in combination with the extremely good aerodynamics, low drag and low wing load it can turn inside anything in the air today, The F16 is no match.

Now if Gaijin is going to model this correctly, we’ll have to see lol. I’m not holding my breath

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Gripen C does also have a radar based on the Blue Vixen right? If so, then that is gunna be one strong radar

But the only tricky bit will be bug reporting it. Unlike the Tornado, harrier, Phantoms, Jaguars etc, wont be information in the British National archives. So fixing it (and lets face it, it will need fixing) is gunna be harder

Yeah i’ve seen this interview, it largely checks out and the Gripen has performed well in exercises.
Surprised they don’t use a better engine though, although comparing it to an EJ200, its like 3 times smaller.

It’s also important for us all to acknowledge the fact that a lot of numbers are still classified. There are plenty of incorrect “Graphs” out there that people are looking at, that are not taking armament / engine version / weather & altitude into consideration… We can only know so much.

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and thus cheaper. I think the Big selling point of the Gripen, is that its really good value. Low maintenance/running costs and cheaper purchase price. But with some compromises. But is still a highly capable airframe

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Yes its an upgraded BV essentially with more modes, imagine the list as FOXHUNTER 2G<BV< PS-05/A (Gripen)<Captor-M

Same family of radars although BV is developed from BF it had Foxhunter input IIRC.

Whilst I’ll still want the Sea harrier, Gripen C would be a fine stop gap as I still get the BV radar :P

I’d say excellent, British and Swedish mains are usually pretty good players on average so even if it does end up being a slightly roided Mig-21Bis it’ll definitely work. Plus the radar should be excellent.

I’m not exactly sure to be honest. I’ve done very extensive research on the Viggen’s radars but even there the information is extremely limited and still classified to this day because a lot of the systems carried over to the Gripen… Hence I have not put too much effort into researching the Gripens radar. I do know it’s world class when it comes to their datalink system and electronic warfare, a couple Gripens can sync their radars together and pretty much become and AWACS. They’ve also managed to sneak up on both Eurofighters and F22’s* in exercises and managed to win some exceptionally impressive engagements undetected.

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Will make a good EF Typhoon Trainer too. I’ve heard flying delta wings is a different technique. So I suppose it will be a good thing to practice in ready for the Typhoon

Its a very good radar, and its like a downsized Captor M with better EW capabilities (until the very latest Captor M just prior to the AESA version). Its main downside is the smaller size and power. But its gimbal mounted, I know the ECRS radars are gimbal too but I havent heard anything about the CAPTOR M being gimbal mounted.

They aren’t too horrific haha, they aren’t as awful as the Javelin would have you believe. Its mostly about knowing when you can, and can’t bleed energy. But the canards will make it more forgiving plus EF-2000 acceleration is in a whole different level to Mig-21Bis acceleration and that’s already exceptional.

I actually eternally prefer deltas. They look better, and they’re so much more fun to fly. Eurofighter with the great wing area, canards and powerful engines won’t dead fish like the delta’s currently in-game.

Im incredibly rusty when it comes to any form of dogfighting. I’ve spent basically the last 18 months ground pounding in SB, with the exception of a few fights in the Harrier, but then I just VIFF the hell out of my opponent.

But yeah, no matter what, it will be good to have a choice between mud moving and dogfighting. I still want the Tornado to be finished at some point, but something like a Gripen or F-18 would do. (Though I still want native stuff like the FA2 )

Yep, the Gripen is tiny. Which is a good thing.

A lot of people on here look at these fighter jets from the perspective of a “clean” merge in war thunder. Which is pretty uninteresting in my opinion. If a “clean merge” is all that mattered, fighter jets would look vastly different today.

In modern engagements nose authority is way more important due to the fact they all carry high-off-bore thrust vectoring missiles, and whoever gets their missile off first wins, not whoever can go around a 2 circle faster lol.

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Pretty much, although I only enjoy dogfighting, exclusively, sometimes I take just IR’s so I can get a nice merge.