So far as I can tell- Indian Jaguars mounted the ASRAAM, but RAF Jaguars, while absolutely can mount them and had the wiring - never did.
AIM9 and ASRAAMs rails are compatible so far as I remember as they’re interchangable
ASRAAM was tested on the Jaguar GR.3A.
inb4 after all this hype and we just get the A-4K.
That wouldn’t be top tier though
Is that ASRAAM i see
You mean the DARIN upgrades? afaik, india had 3 stages of upgrading the Jags
DARIN I/II (relatively simmilar in looks, diferenced by RWR and other systems)
This were fitted with israeli ELTA-2052 AESA Radars, elisra RWRs (Darin II also had them), RAFAEL Litening designator pods, among other things.
I maybe should mention the IM, or the marine attack variant, it had a simmilar nose to the Darin III, but instead it had the AGAVE radar of the Super Etendard, and carried the Sea Eagle AShM, later the Sea Eagle was retired and replaced by the Harpoon missile, the radar was replaced by the Elta 2032 and later the 2052.
Well now I really need some Indian Jag’s in the tree.
Me too, they look really nice after modernisation and, unlike the Bhishma, we have the strongest claim to these Jaguar’s in-game, particularly as they use ASRAAM too.
I think this kinda adds to what I mentioned earlier about how they should’ve modernised the Jags. I think a reason for the UK’s deficiency in airframe’s IRL and in war thunder is this ‘rich country’ narrative that makes us think we can afford to continually buy new airframes, rather than modernise old ones (see the decommissioning of the Harrier because we were gonna buy 150+ F-35).
Do you guys think that the F15J just got passed means that they only now considered it meaning the F15 is properly for next update or am i looking at this wrong
Which makes me think F/A18 more likely
pass for considered doesn’t mean it will be added to the game immediately.
Many things pass for considered but ultimately don’t get added.
I know that’s my point so i don’t think the F15 in general next update
just wait dovbleg or teaser
I said more likely it just weird to consider it now
Both France and Britain participated in the uprade (i wouldnt mind one for each). Although in the latest one, the DARIN III, the israeli involvment in the upgrade is huge, armament, radar, self protection systems, designators, the incluson of the additional pylon, etc…etc. For a plane of that age, its amazing.
And people who thought the F-16 spam was bad are in for a world of butthurt as the Hornet just absolutely dominates everything in sheer flight performance alone.
Both could get one, but IIRC the Indian Jags were either domestic or Directly Supply and wholly UK built. That said, I don’t mind. As for Israeli involvement, although modernised by Israel this doesn’t mean much when it comes to war thunder, there’s vehicles modernised by nations in-game in completely different tree’s (Swiss Hunter…). Perhaps the IM for France or Israel given the Etendard Radar and the Israeli modernised one for the UK or Israel
The Jag certainly is a phenomenal airframe and I fully believe they should’ve been modernised in UK service leaving service some time around now, I feel similarly towards the Sea Harriers and GR.9’s.
IIRC Hornet has very good alpha control and that’s evident by its leading root extensions and twin stabilisers, but in terms of absolute top speed and rate fighting ability its worse than the F-16, obviously that’s offset by having exceptional carrying capacity though. Compared to something like an AJ or Block 50, i’d say its balanced, compared to anything lower though they will struggle (maybe a Mig-29 could also content).
I would argue top speed isn’t really relevant given that no planes fights at top speed anyway. Sure it means you can run away but in the modern ARB environment… by time you do run away your team is dead.
The ability to run 2x 7Ms and 6x 9Ms would be a lethal combo given it’s likely inclusion of HMCS or JHMCS what ever it’s called nowadays. Add the High AoA and agility it would dominate.