Britain Air Forces

Im incredibly rusty when it comes to any form of dogfighting. I’ve spent basically the last 18 months ground pounding in SB, with the exception of a few fights in the Harrier, but then I just VIFF the hell out of my opponent.

But yeah, no matter what, it will be good to have a choice between mud moving and dogfighting. I still want the Tornado to be finished at some point, but something like a Gripen or F-18 would do. (Though I still want native stuff like the FA2 )

Yep, the Gripen is tiny. Which is a good thing.

A lot of people on here look at these fighter jets from the perspective of a “clean” merge in war thunder. Which is pretty uninteresting in my opinion. If a “clean merge” is all that mattered, fighter jets would look vastly different today.

In modern engagements nose authority is way more important due to the fact they all carry high-off-bore thrust vectoring missiles, and whoever gets their missile off first wins, not whoever can go around a 2 circle faster lol.

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Pretty much, although I only enjoy dogfighting, exclusively, sometimes I take just IR’s so I can get a nice merge.

Yep of course although pre-flaring will be a big thing soon and periodic release of CM’s, which helps reset to more prolonged engagements or at least those lasting past first circle.

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With the choice of Phantom FGR2/FG1, Tornado F3, Jaguar Gr1A, Sea Harrier FRS1 or Harrier Gr7. I’ve not really got anything meant for Dogfighting. Gr7 can hold its own, but vs Mig-29s, its best to stick with ground pound

Also, the fact that Fox 1’s are practically useless due to multipathing (flying low defeats them) pretty much forces most engagements into a low altitude merge, which favours the F16 since the delta’s don’t have much potential energy (altitude) to make use of their nose authority, and also don’t currently have any modern dogfighting Fox 2 missiles in the game.

The game is inherently super biased to favour 2 circle fighters at the moment

They very much can, just never actually did

Can they? I thought they lacked the ability to guide SARH? It’s based on the Blue Vixen and I know it can’t

I recently unlocked the Mirage 2000-5F. It’s absolutely fantastic. I only fly sim though.

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im SB only too. So having something with a decent radar AND can turn is gunna be an extreme luxury

Yeah C gripen does not have CW illuminator, A and B Gripen does though IIRC (I might be wrong)

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I don’t fly the brit phantoms unless i’m grinding, and right now I don’t have a premium account because i’m not grinding only to be rewarded by a fucking tornado. Also as I loathe fighting the F-16 and hate the Mig-29 radar I don’t fly my german jets either. I used to really like the Mig-21Bis but the uptiers are lethal.

Might try the MF some time soon though it’s been a while but I remember F-5C cancer too.

My current plane that I actually enjoy is the G/91 R3 and Swift F.7. Spitfire MK.14E if i fancy a prop because the mk.22 and 24 are horribly overtiered.

I haven’t seen you around much in sim, is Morvan your in game name too?

I’ve heard As did test fire Skyflash or something and the B is just the two seater version. So would make sense

Yeah, I’ve not played at all in the past few months. Usually in the Tornado Gr1 or Harrier Gr7

I would grind france but I have no premium account. I made a good dent after the sales with the premium yak-3 but then they fucked the guns again so I stopped. I’m gonna see what this update brings and then start grinding again.

Right now I’m playing for fun only.

France is maybe who I would grind if I could be bothered, I just dont want to touch farming a new tree with a 10000ft barge pole at the moment

C definitely doesn’t. Theres no specific data on A variant but articles from around the time suggest skyflash carriage and as skyflash doesn’t have DL it must therefore have a CW i think.

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I am looking forward to grinding france, just waiting to buy premium in the christmas sales (if anyone I have gets something actually good),

Most F16 players don’t know how to fight a delta wing, I’ve won like nearly all of my dogfights against F16’s in the mirage, not counting getting double-teamed.