Special Task to Tag der Arbeit

I saw a popup for a special task regarding “Tag der Arbeit” in germany, after accepting it seems to be not found again

probably released to early or with a mistake they need to fix first

Tag der Arbeit is tomorrow tho

Why don’t you call the car “Auto” or X-ray “Röntgenstrahlen” then, since they are German inventions? ;D

It makes little sense to try and correct someone over something as minor as who made something a national holiday first. Depending on how you look at it, May Day/Labour Day has its roots in ancient agricultural rituals like Maypole dancing or Beltane fires, but it wasn’t recognized as a holiday until after the Haymarket affair.

Regardless, I do think its bugged as I cant find anything either.

You’re right, i should have told him to use the english term in the english part of the forum, but i think he actually assumes it’s a purely german holiday.

Why don’t you call the car “Auto” or X-ray “Röntgenstrahlen” then, since they are German inventions? ;D

Shure I did but not if I talk in English. When and why the shortened form Auto of a Latin term became established in our everyday language is also a mystery to me.

I used the german word because the task said play germany, so i thought the devs connected this task with the Tag der Arbeit which is tomorrow, besides the fact that for example the employees for the official streams are working from germany

Found it, under achievments → personal task, which is actually in english also called “Wir wünschen euch einen schönen Tag der Arbeit”

no front but this is generall discussion, i do not find a post ruling that i am in a specific english section of the forum

no front but this is generall discussion, i do not find a post ruling that i am in a specific english section of the forum

LOL, the international forum, anything labelled in today’s Lingua franca English, you are using ist too… why?