Hi folks!
Has anyone noticed that Ground battle events seem to be less frequent these days?
I was in two matches yesterday (Denmark), where there was just one ground battle in the whole time I was in the match. In the last match I flew, just after start, one battle started, and that was cleaned up within minutes by an A-10C, I (also in a Warthog), could just get one single target the other 'Hog overlooked, then no more ground battles were spawned for the rest of the 45 minutes I stayed in the match before leaving…
I noticed some maps ABSOLUTELY love to spam “Escort/Destroy Convoy” missions.
I’ve spent some 45 minutes without seeing a single A point, a single “Escort/Destroy bomber/attacker” objective on Sinai and vietnam a few times. There were however like six convoy events going on.
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Denmark always spawns a ground battle at the start or in the first few minutes. However, there are no land convoys on that map, so the only way for another ground battle to be created is for one side to cap a zone. Denmark does seem to generate cap zones frequently, but if no side completes a cap, then no more ground battles.
Other maps don’t always generate a ground battle after a successful cap, but, AFAIK, land convoys always generate a battle after reaching the front lines.