Spawn protection system

Your speech makes sense, and in fact I was not inside their area, but slightly out, but I was distracted, shot me and the blow bounced, I turned towards him, I shot him but my bullet passed through him through him In the meantime he has reloaded and the Russian tanks have a reverse passima, and for this he killed me. For this reason I say that when a player actively hires another player, the protection must end. I would agree if the player is inside the enemy area, visible on the map, then there should be the penalty to those who attack that they cannot hit the area inside the area, while those in defense inside the area can hit, so people They would be obliged to stay outside that area, but if I am out, they shoot me and I answer and I don’t hit because the bullet passes beyond then is not correct.

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this makes spawncamping even more advantageous, and its already a massive issue on badly designed maps

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If you prevent people from being able to shoot the red area inside, I can guarantee you that the Spawn Camping will cease, or it will be much more difficult. I complain that I was out of the area, they shot me from inside the area, the bullet bounced, then I shot the enemy inside the area, but the blow passed through it, so I was not Inside the ara, consequently it would be correct that as he can struck me, I can hit him, and that instead I enter the red area I cannot do it, so I do not do spawn camping and I have to keep a certain distance. But if I am out I have to be able to shoot if they shoot me

It was addressed to OP and everyone defending spawn camping

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its not supposed to be a majority chance but a minority chance. beats 0%

From a spawn protecting view this should be kept

The actual thing is, we are having small maps with open areas in the middle, cover at around spawns and little time needed to cross the whole map

That is, why should a player risk himself to stay in the empty middle instead of getting a cover and block a road?

And probably he should block a main spot, before lanes divert so more prays, then why not that spawn? A few hundreds of meters of driving anyways.

And there is the spawn camp trend. Protection is used to let people fight back during immortal and when enemies are spotted

Our maps are, sadly, going worse and worse for fighting and getting rewards in the middle. Then why not get to spawn?


Spawn protection as it exists is a good feature.

Player spawn locations are some of the most disadvantaged positions on the map.

As far as I can tell, the system is working surprisingly well. Players are able to defeat spawncamps when the enemy team pushes early and in some cases turn the tide of the battle.

However, the benefit of the spawn protection isn’t so good as to be abused by players.

I think spawn points need to be enlarged to the point where players can spawn along the entire edge of the map. Which will make it difficult and less practical to encircle the spawn.


We do not divert the discussion, the problem is not that people enter the red area to kill who is inside, the problem lies in the fact that if I am shot by someone inside the red area, and I am outside it, I must be able to answer , and whoever is inside since attacking must lose protection otherwise is not correct. If one wants to maintain his invicinability for all the time necessary to shelter and find a position, he must not attack until seconds are finished, or until he came out of the red area, but if you do an offensive action hitting someone then utomatically You are engaged. This is equity

in my opinion against spwancampers would help if there arent only 2 Spawns, more like a spawn area were you can choose were exactly you want to spawn and maybe if you get improved arty for spawn area, so you can put in your spawn arty that dont effect your team, has a short calling time and is higly precise. so the own spawn area becomes to a deathtrap for enemy tanks

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Somehow this only works when it’s my team getting spawn camped. Whenever it’s my team doing the camping, they die within a minute, quit the game and leave the rest of the team to be stomped.

Spawn protection is a good feature overall. Only thing i would say is make it much shorter for SPAAs.

With SPAA usually sitting in spawn anyway, it’s close to impossible to tell which one just spawned and which one didn’t. And then when you see he isn’t paying attention and try to kill him, you are met with “temporarily invulnerable” and die yourself.

That’s stupid. AAs don’t need spawn protection of same duration as tanks. All they need is enough to be able to roughly check their surroundings right after spawning.

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How many times happened to me, and what nervous. would help if there was a counter over their heads so as to know when the protection ends

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in my opinion there should be a visual indicator for planes if an spaa has spwan protection or not and spaa should have a pretty short spawnprotection against planes but against groundfire they should have the spawnprotection like now


no i think a timer over their head would be bad because then spawncamper could wait as long as you have spawnprotection in cover and the second it ends you get shot. In my opinion spawnprotection is something good for tanks because it isnt the target to spawn camp but SPAA operating out of the spawn so there thei should get shorter spawnprotection

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this is a matter of map design, not practically removing spawn protection.

If we go to point out there are many factors, horrible maps, a system that goes to mark a lot of gray areas of this mechanics. To be a more balanced thing it should be like this

-The team that attacks, if it enters the red zone and shoots a newly generated player, the blow passes through exactly as now

-If a player inside the red area, just generated, shoots a player outside the red area, then he will lose his protection against those who are outside the red area (not for those who have invaded the red zone) so Such that those who make the smart inside will not be able to use the other companions outside the red zone to entice a player in defense to staple to lose his momentary invulnerability.

-for the CAS players who attack and an indicator that makes you understand if the player has or does not have the invulnerability I think it is already an excellent option, as they already have the advantage of the best visibility and an angle of attack.

this will be able to work once all maps are remade

SPAA already sucks, it doesn’t need to suck even more.

They do, because you shouldn’t get bombed or kill right after you spawn in.


I deleted my previous two comments as I was rambling.

I think you are being unreasonable here. Spawncamping is universally regarded as an underhanded practise because it’s unfair. The player who camps the spawn is afforded many advantages, combined with the spawning player being disadvantaged.

You are complaining about the difficulties you face when abusing an unfair tactic. I think you need to reconsider your tactics if you are having trouble defeating disadvantaged opponents.


As one who’s been on both sides of the alley more times than i can count over a decade

If you are foolish or brave enough to rush into the opposition’s spawn or camp it. Don’t be surprised someone gonna spawn when it’s a few hundred tickets left and murder everyone camping for an easy 3-8 kills. It’s deserved and you signed up to be wrecked by a 2s38, Gepard or bagle, or any other tank they decide to spawn with.