Spawn Camping Sim

-The blue team suffers attacks from the english aircraft carrier without any defense.
-While the other team is the uss forrestal with proximity munitions.

Here I show you an example:

In the December update, the Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov was shown. Could there be an aircraft carrier swap with the historical countries?

USS Forrestal
Admiral Kuznetsov


I agree with RCXP that the english aircraft carrier is not safe to spawn in air sim due to clips like this and sim can’t be enjoyable in top tier


HMS Ark Royal is a perfectly reasonable choice for bluefor carrier but yes, needs to be given AA, it certainly seems to never work


Can confirm, ive only ever seen the US carrier being “Violent” , however sadly it doesnt target a player if said player carries no AT/AG munitions, so something like a fighter is still able to just fly around it.


I’ve certainly been shot at when carrying no A2G, but I think you can generally avoid the Carrier AA fairly easily when doing anything other than making a bomb run against it .Which is extremely deadly Especially when the carrier likes to teleport around 45° turns.

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I had a game today 9 kills 2 deaths.

1 death was before the end of the runway a hellbent MiG-23 and his r-24 got me than he died to aa

2 I was hovering to land mirage f-1c magic than he died to aa

They were just mad they could fight me in a fair mix up lol.