Spawn Camping right at the beginning of the match

Gaijin should stop adding new maps and fixing old ones, it’s annoying if you try to play a game where they start killing each other as soon as they exit spawn, spawn that has no cover at all leaving it completely open (ardennes and fields of poland).

real maps are cool but you have to take gameplay into consideration


So you have join in progress matches turned off and the game on SSD?

As a start, I wanted to say 2 to 3 minutes, but there are maps like the one from the 2077 event that can suffer spawn skill in the first minute depending on which side you are on

I spawn in within the first 30 seconds of the match, just saying. That minute or 2 could be causing you trouble.

I’d set that option and see how it goes and see how much queue time you end up facing because of it.

It sucks that it’s on by default, and it sucks for anyone who doesn’t have SSD, or multiple drives with SSD.

I use dual SSDs on both drives I have in a raid format, and use one for OS, one for games, and it loads insantly.

ok, I give up, I won’t even try to debate this issue


You can, there’s no stopping you.

I’m just saying various factors play into a match outcome, and one of which is communication, which I literally see absolutely none on the regular. Pinging the map and using quick radio only does so much.

Loading in fast is a big thing for your starting ‘fresh’.




Tanks blowing up left and right just 10 seconds after the match started lol


You’re right.

Thats the way Gaijin wants it make no mistake about that.

the sturmtiger was a Nice addition to this I don’t have it but from what I have seen if I did I would never leave the base and just get kills from mine to theirs.

There is a chance to shoot at the enemies who still have spawn protection on normandy if You do it right (talking about beginning of the match).