Making this post genuinely just to see if other people (especially other Spaniards) feel the same way.
First the VRCC was introduced as part of the Italian tech tree, very fun, very nice. Honestly made me look forward to having more Spanish vehicles added to the Italian tech tree in the future which, being Spanish, was very nice.
No promises of course, but I grinded out the entire Italian air and ground trees.
Not only do they add the Spanish AV-8S - accurately named ‘Matador’ under the Thai flag to Japan (Even though their service history is nothing but lackluster?). I had some fleeting hope a Spanish f-18 would be introduced as Spain is the 3rd largest F-18 operator in the world, I wasn’t surprised It wasn’t added though as I’m used to a bit of neglect. But now to add insult to injury a Spanish Euro Copter is added as a pack premium in Germany, for what purpose?
I get not adding a nations vehicles to the game if they’re not deemed relevant or important, but adding them in such a sporadic manner feels demeaning at best. Let me know what you guys think, first post on here.